Page 89 of The Sweetest Note

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“Your words are important to me, even when they hurt, okay?” I demand, and I consider getting it as a tattoo in between the vines on my arms when we’re all back together.

Roark hums sleepily and says, “Can we get a tattoo of that shit? I need more ink anyway.”

God, I love this man. Somehow he knows what I’m thinking before I even say it. It’s especially a big deal because he only has one tattoo, and it’s the one that links us all together.

“I think that’s a great idea,” I say instead, exhaustion hitting me finally.

Snuggling into his side, I let a dreamless sleep crash over me.



Colly pulls me from my cell where I’ve been staring aimlessly. I have no idea what day it is, much less what time, because a tray is intermittently pushed into the cell at random moments. There are no windows, and the lights are now constantly turned down low instead of the constant glaring brightness.

It’s just enough to keep me going, and they haven’t put me back into the straightjacket. It’s almost like I’ve served my purpose, so they’re just waiting for something.

I can’t bring myself to care enough to ask what that might be.

I am cycling through so many different emotions: numbness, anger, disbelief, and disappointment. I’m disappointed in myself because I couldn’t fight my buyers. Yes, that’s what I’m calling them in my head.

I’m angry I’m still here. No one is coming for me, I’m just going to be Xav’s laboratory experiment until I die. Staring despondently as Colly pulls me through the hallways, I belatedly realize that they’re empty.

What time is it?

Colly pushes me hard into a room that appears to be a library, and my arms pinwheel to keep myself from falling.

Blinking, I look around and realize I’m in the main part of the hospital. I really hadn’t been paying attention as Colly was pulling me down the hall in my pajamas and socks.

I want to ask what’s happening, but I know better. They won’t tell me either way. There appears to be a lot of hospital personnel in the small room, and I frown. It’s been days since I’ve been outside of my cell and the bright light inside is messing with my eyesight.

As my eyes focus a little better, I realize there’s a woman in a chair at the back of the library, and she appears to be tied to it. A small gasp releases from me as I realize it’s Nurse Imelda, the only nurse that was even slightly nice to me while I’ve been here.

She’s angry, eyes flashing, and full of spirit. I used to be like that, but that Lennon isn’t here anymore. There’s no one to encourage the brat in me, no safe place to fall.

…I simply keep falling in the dark, hit over and over again by many of the people in this room.

Nurse Ratched, Colly, Xav, Derek’s Dad and even Dr. Bennett are in the room. Eric is suspiciously absent, and I nervously look around the room again.

I have no idea why these people are here, but my experience with most of them isn’t positive. I remember Derek’s dad as being abusive too, and my bruises hurt at the thought of being beaten again so soon.

“What are you looking around for, Miss Lennon?” Xav asks with a blank expression.

Swallowing, I shake my head. “Nothing. I’m surprised to see so many people here. What’s going on?”

I studiously ignore Nurse Imelda, because I don’t know why she’s here, and I would never want my attention to hurt someone.

“Why do you look nervous, Lennon?” Grant Williams taunts, grabbing my chin and squeezing hard.

Whimpering, I squint my eyes in pain. Closing my eyes is bad, I want to know where the next blow is going to come from. The way Grant is pushing under my chin forces me up onto my toes, the pressure hurting.

“I’ve been promised a performance today, little miss. Are you going to be a good girl and do what you’re told?” he taunts.

I don’t know what to tell him, my heart begins to pound and panic is loud in my thoughts. I’m concerned for Nurse Imelda’s continued health. I don’t know what she’s done or why she’s here, but I know that only people in deep shit find themselves strapped to a chair.

“What do you want?” I ask, gritting my teeth due to how he’s holding my face.

Grant lets go of me so quickly, I stumble with a gasp. My chest heaves from the adrenaline coursing through my body, and my fingers twitch with the need to do something, anything. In another life, I’d want to hit him for terrorizing me, but I don’t think that girl lives here anymore.
