Page 90 of The Sweetest Note

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“Miss Lennon, we’ve been working on your recovery and therapy for the last few weeks, and now it’s time to put it all to the test. Nurse Imelda is a liar. She’s a government agent out here to infiltrate our hospital, putting everything we’ve put into place and worked for at risk,” Xav drones on.

I know better than to space out, so I focus on Nurse Imelda as he speaks. She stoically watches me back with kind eyes. I’ve never felt sad or scared in her presence, she reminds me of peace. There’s a gag in her mouth, but what Xav says makes sense. Nurse Imelda doesn’t deny it, and I remember thinking she was too nice to work in a place like this.

“We don’t appreciate liars, and exterminate them when we do find them. Hidden Hills is the prototype this state will be modeling other institutions after, and we must be above reproach,” Grant picks up where Xav left off and my blood runs cold.

There can’t be more of these godforsaken hospitals built. One is more than enough.

“Miss Lennon, it’s up to you to help us,” Xav coos soothingly as he takes my hand.

I pull my eyes from Nurse Imelda to Xav, opening my mouth to ask what he wants when I see a huge hunting knife in his grip.

My mouth goes dry as I stare at it. It’s huge, looks sharp, and it isn’t a training tool.

“I want you to kill Imelda, and make it hurt, Miss Lennon. She’s at your mercy, let the blood flow, and the screams satisfy my need for her suffering,” Xav says softly as he presses the knife into my hand.

My eyes widen as I stare at the blade. The handle feels warm from the temperature of his hand, and the heat feels strangely intimate. I want to ask a million questions, but I’m frozen in place.

“Close your hand on the knife, Lennon,” Xav insists, and my stomach clenches as he drops the niceties. Whatever happens next will likely prove to be really, really bad.

Even as I scream at myself to disobey, my fingers close around the knife’s hilt.

“There’s a good girl… pineapple,” Xav says as a command and before I can say anything, everything goes dark as I hear Imelda scream behind her gag.


Turner glances at me worriedly as the plane lands. He’s asked me several times if I’m sure about flying to Marshall County, Kentucky from Georgetown, and the truth is I am.

Mama Rodriguez gave me this putrid drink that made me gag the entire time, but my muscles hurt less now, and I’m more alert.

I want to be there when the team goes into the hospital for Lenny. I want to look into her gray eyes and tell her she’s safe, I love her, and I always will. We’ll help her rebuild her life, meet her where she’s at, and honor every word she has to give us.

There’s so much I’m worried about, but first we need to get her out safely.

“Hey, Greg just texted me,” Turner murmurs as he turns to me. Greg has figured out every part of our flight and transportation, and the private plane we’re currently on is a friend of his.

I haven’t bothered to ask questions, I’m grateful Greg has access to resources that’ll help us rescue Lennon.

“Hmm,” I say, pulling myself out of my thoughts. “What’s our spy friend have to say for himself?”

Turner smirks but doesn’t allow himself to be drawn in. I know he blames himself for my overdose, but he didn’t force me to take those pills. That’s all on me. “He says he’ll have an unmarked car picking us up from the airport and then we’ll switch vehicles and arrive near the hospital to meet them and come in through the woods along the back of the property. They have less security watching there because of the high fence,” he explains.

Great, I do love to climb.

“It’s a good thing I took up running as a stress reliever recently,” I grumble. “So we’re climbing the back fence?”

“Rappelling,” Turner says with a wince and I shrug. My arms are strong because of all the drumming so that’s a win. “The fence is an eight-foot fence, but it’s not electrified, so we’re going up and over it. Then we’re walking right in. Greg can hack into the system once he’s at the backdoor of the hospital, so their security shouldn’t be a problem.”

Reaching out, I squeeze Turner’s hand with a happy sigh. “We’re finally getting our girl out,” I tell him.

Nodding, he cuddles into my side, taking my affection for the olive branch that it is. “It’s about damn time,” he growls.

I can’t help it and I let out a bark of laughter. It’s not funny in the least. There’s been so much sadness, guilt, and anger surrounding her being taken by her twat of a mother. It feels good knowing we’re making strides towards having her in our arms and safe again.

The plane lands thirty minutes later, and we hustle off it, each carrying a single bag. Greg told us to wear all black and clothing that wouldn’t snag easily, so we followed his instructions exactly. I know he’s taking a leap of faith in including us in this rescue mission, and I wouldn’t fuck this up for anything.

There’s a black SUV on the darkening tarmac as we disembark the plane. A man in black utility clothing gets out of the driver's seat with a stern nod.

“Mr. Mason and Mr. Connolly,” he says as he opens the back door. “Mr. Fox is glad you arrived safely.”
