Page 4 of Hot and Bothered

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“Oof!” I grunt when I hit the rock-hard expanse of his chest. The case thuds to the ground as he wraps his arms around me so tightly that I can’t breathe for a minute.

As strong as that feeling is, it’s nothing to when I look up into his heated, blazing amber gaze. My breath stalls in my throat and I struggle not to throw my arms around his neck and yank his mouth down to mine.

I suck in air and push off his chest lightly, my head reeling with lust for him.

“There’s your bag. Enjoy your vacation, Rod.” I turn to dart back in the door and slam it shut but he moves like lightning and puts his big hand up to keep me from shutting the door.

“What’s your rush, princess? You scared of me?” The smirk on his chiseled, well-cut lips has that fiery urge to slap him running through my fingers again. They itch to touch him.

I keep the door between us, not scared, just…something I couldn’t put a name to.

“No. I need to get ready. I’ve got an appointment this afternoon. I’m late.”

“Really?” One dark brow lifts and he grins. “What are you doing?”

“Never mind. It’s nothingyou’dbe interested in.”

“Well, now you have to tell me what it is, princess. Color me curious what you think I can’t handle.”

Me,I think to myself. You can’t handle me. But I actually say, “It doesn’t matter. This isn’t a game or a challenge. I need to do a few things for the travel blog I write. This is work. I can’t afford to be distracted.” I almost smack myself in the face when that damn smirk tilts his lips.Why the hell did I say that?

“I distract you?”

“No! That isn’t what I meant. I mean. I need to focus on work and you’re a distraction.”

“That’s exactly what I said. You just changed the order.” His grin is getting wider and wider and I’m struggling to keep my lady parts in check. My panties are melting right off of my cheeks and I’m blushing viciously.

“You know what I mean,” I growl, my annoyance bleeding through my words.

He nods his dark head and a small dimple appears in his cheek. A dimple that I desperately want to lick.

“I do,” he says. “You can’t be around me without thinking sexy thoughts.”

I scrabble at the door, trying to slam it shut. “I did not say sexy thoughts!Just that you annoy me so much that I can’t think!”

“Right.” He winks. “I gotcha.”

“Oh my god! I’m going zip lining! I just need to go.Please.” I’m not proud that I’m now begging. I sound pathetic.

He grunts and leans in, kissing my cheek lightly and quickly. Too quickly for me even to react. My mouth falls open when he steps back and chuckles.

“Finally. I’ve got you speechless. I’ll meet you at the front desk in an hour? We can both go zip lining. That sounds like a lot of fun.” Then he turns and walks away before I even get my breath back enough to yell at him that I don’t want him to go.

Because I don’t. He just annoys me. I stop and picture that dimple in his lean cheek. The one I want to lick.

My lady parts shiver in anticipation and my entire body shakes when I picture what those scruffy cheeks could do between my thighs.

Shoving the door shut, I slide down it, groaning, my head in my hands. I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle and this one is so important that if I don’t win, I’m going to lose myself. Just like Harmony.

Although she does look happy to be lost.



Istand, keeping a wary eye on the doors that lead out to the car park, where rental cars can pick you up. I don’t trust Raven not to make a run for it without me, hoping to avoid me joining her on her little trek.

My lips twist as I see her tiny figure dart past the entrance.There’s my girl.
