Page 9 of Hot and Bothered

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“This is where we’re eating?” Her voice quivers and I can see she’s close to laughing out loud.

“What’s wrong with this place?” My own lips quirk as I struggle to hold in my laughter.

“A food truck? I got dressed up for a food truck?”

I shrug my shoulders and reach up to grab my sandwich and fries. I went old-school. I’m not a big one for experimenting.

Raven is more open and she’s ordered a strange concoction that includes some kind of fish on a salad that’s full of all kinds of tropical flavors.

I take a big bite and grimace when she moans after she takes a bite of her salad. She lifts a hand up to cover her soft lips and says, “That’s so good.”

The moaning has my dick hard as a rock already. “You see. Just cause it’s not a restaurant, doesn’t mean it isn’t good food.”

She smirks and lifts a piece of tropical fruit off her salad, popping it in her mouth. “Fine. You’re right. It’s delicious. And this is exactly the kind of place that I love to visit on a job.”

We’re sitting on a seat at a picnic table set up beside the food truck and the smells all around us are enough to make your mouth water. The night air is sweet and smoky with the flavors of the island. The sun is setting and everything is tinged with the golden colors of the sun kissing the earth as it says good-bye.

I shake my head. What the hell is wrong with me? I sound like a damn idiot. Waxing poetic about how the night air feels and smells. Ridiculous. I don’t do that kind of shit.

But for some reason, this night feels special. Maybe because I’m sitting with her. Maybe because she’s special.

I jerk my thoughts to a stop. I can’t do this. I can still see how she’s trying to keep me at a distance. If I let her get under my skin any more than she already is, I’m gonna get hurt.

We finish our food in silence and then we stand up together, not even having to say one word. It’s like we’re able to read each other’s minds.

I let her walk ahead of me where the sidewalk narrows and we look in the shops and smile at the other people walking. A big man bumps into her and I pull her into me, glaring at him. He just grins and keeps walking. I slip her hand into mine and glance down at her. It’s like I can’t look away. Her green eyes half-close and a flash of desire hits me like a sledgehammer.

Her pink lips curl up slightly and then we hear some music. Her head whips around and I groan. Her hair is loose and flowing around her shoulders, hitting her mid-back and tempting the hell out of me. Her shoulders are bare where her dress falls off of them. The hem of the light gray dress hits her mid-thigh and the miles of tanned legs that it shows off has had me salivating like a damn dog all night long.

She grabs both of my hands and starts dragging me towards the music. “Come on!”

I shake my head desperately. “I can’t dance, princess.”

She laughs and tosses her head, that brown hair glistening with golden streaks flying around us. “Everyone can dance. Come on,” she wheedles. “You bought dinner. It’s my turn to pick something. I wanna dance.”

I sigh and give in, just like I knew I would. Her green eyes are lit up with excitement and there’s no way I could say no when she’s practically vibrating with happiness.

We come to an open-air concert with happy people all around us dancing in the lush tropical night air. Laughter rings out all around us. She leads me out until we’re right in the middle of the action. She puts her hands over her head and dances with her whole body. Her hips shake and sway, her breasts bounce and her eyes are closed, her lips open in the happiest smile I’ve ever seen in my life. She’s one with the night and the emotions all around us. She’s light and happiness and all the damn good things in this world right now and I can’t look away. I’m hypnotized, stunned into immobility.

My heart beats out of control in my chest and it feels like time slows down , the music fades into the night and all I can see and hear is her. I swear to god that I can hear her heartbeat in my ears, smell that cinnamon sweet smell that’s all her. Nothing else matters in this world.

And that’s when I fall so deeply in love with her that I know I’ll never love any other woman. She’s my breath, my soul.

Her eyes open when the song ends and she smiles at me. My breath rushes out of me on a gasp. Mercy.

The song changes to a slow dance and she holds out her hands to me. I slip my hands around her waist, trying to keep my damn dick under control as her soft curves meld into my hard muscles. Her little hands come up and rest on my shoulders and she moves closer until her head is resting on my chest. I hold my breath, afraid to move the wrong way so that she remembers she doesn’t want to do this. Doesn’t want to get close to me.

But she doesn’t move away. Her light breaths puff into my chest and I swear I feel branded by her. She owns me. I cannot get away from how I feel about this woman and it scares the shit out of me. I’m already lost and if she does what she says she’s going to do, she will leave me. She’s a free spirit. You can tell she doesn’t want to be caged.

I don’t want to cage her. I just want to hold her. Sway with her and claim her as mine.

Some kind of announcement comes through on the loudspeaker but I can’t tell what the hell they’re saying. I get my answer when the skies open up and a deluge of warm rain pours all over us, drenching us in seconds. Raven’s dress sticks to her lush curves like it’s Saran Wrap. I can see where her nipples are puckered up against the sodden fabric and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth again. I grab her hand and drag her under the shelter of an awning to try and wait out the storm but it’s painfully clear after about ten minutes that the rain has settled in for awhile. I call and get us a ride and they pull up after another twenty minutes. Raven is shivering and the wind has picked up, slapping at us.

We duck into the vehicle and I holler the address to him. He nods and within another fifteen minutes we’re pulling up at the resort.
