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“Not in our offices, just the conference room and main workspaces,” Xavier answers me.

“Oh, thank god.” I breathe a sigh of relief.

“Why? You been stealing pens or something?” Xavier asks me.

“No. I wouldn’t steal pens,” I tell him. “I’d steal all of your passwords, sell them to your competitors, and probably never have to work again in my life,” I deadpan.

“You know I’m still your boss. Your four weeks isn’t even close to being up,” he counters.

“She’s not leaving,” Nathan says.

“You want to fire me instead?” I smile sweetly at them. It’s a bitch move because I know how much Xavier in particular wants to keep me here. He sees potential in me or some shit. Nathan told me that Xavier thinks I’m going to be the best corporate lawyer this country has seen. I hope he’s right about that.

“I’d never fire you. Him, though, I’m considering it. Really, Nathan. You hit him?” Xavier grunts.

“You didn’t hear what he said,” Nathan growls back before wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Actually, I did. And I probably would have done the same thing. But, fuck, do you have any idea the shit that man is going to try to bring down on you, on the firm?”

“I know. I should have kept my cool. I’m sorry.” Nathan sighs.

“It’s fine. Whatever happens, we will work through it. Here.” Alistair hands him a glass of amber liquid.

“Okay, I really do have work to do. Are you okay?” I ask Nathan.

“I’m good. You?” he replies.

“I’m good. I’ll see you later,” I tell him, then leave the three partners to discuss their next steps. I head back to my office, pick up my bag, and sneak out. Once I’m safely on the street, I dig my phone out of my bag and call my sister.


“You busy?” I ask her.

“Not really. What do you need?”

“You and a bucket of cocktails.” I sigh into the phone.

I’ve yet to tell her about me and my #hotboss relationship. I’m not even sure why I’ve kept it a secret from my sister and mum. It’s not like they wouldn’t support me in any relationship I was happy and safe in. They would. I guess it’s my own shame at the fact that I’ve jumped into bed with my boss. At the first firm to ever employ me. I understand the risk I’m taking with my career, even if Nathan insists that I’ll be okay. That no one will think less of me. He can’t control everyone else, what they say to each other and think, as much as I’m sure he would love to.

That was really evident today when Mark Kemp called me out. Of all fucking people, it had to be him. Was he right? Would my father be ashamed of me?

I’m not sure. He loved me unconditionally. I know that. But I don’t know if he would have approved of my relationship with Nathan.

“Bentley, are you there? Earth to Bentley Johnson!” Jules’s voice brings me back from all my negative thoughts.

“Sorry… I’m here.”

“It’s bad. I can tell. Okay, meet me at the student bar,” she says, referring to the spot that’s just around the corner from her university. It’s only a fifteen-minute drive from here.

“Okay, be there in twenty.” I hang up, pull up the Uber app, and call for a ride.

Twenty five minutes later, I’m walking through the crowded student bar. I should have insisted on meeting somewhere quieter. This place is packed. Then again, they’re all students, so it’s always packed.

“Bentley, over here!” Jules waves a hand in the air as she yells out to me.

Sliding into the booth my sister somehow managed to secure, I slump in my seat. There’s a shot of tequila waiting for me on the table. This is why I love Jules. She always knows exactly what I need. And, right now, tequila is definitely it.

“Okay, spit it out. What the hell is going on? You’re scaring me,” she says after a moment of silence.

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