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“I’m fucking my hot boss,” I spit out.

Her eyes widen in shock. “You’re what?”

“I’m sleeping with my boss. I’m in love with my boss. We’re… going steady,” I tell her with a smile on my lips.

“Going steady?First of all, don’t ever say that. You’re not that old. And second, you’re banging the hot boss. Holy shit, is it good?” She whispers the last bit, like it’s a taboo thing we shouldn’t be talking about.

“It’s out-of-body, mind-exploding, orgasmic-perfection kind of good. I’ve never had sex like this. It’s like he has a handbook for my body and knows exactly how to manipulate it.”

“So you’re banging all over the office then?” she questions.

“No, mostly his apartment. Once in a nightclub,” I admit.

“You had public sex? Okay, who are you and what have you done with my sister? My sensible, never does anything without creating a pros and cons list first sister?”

Picking up the bottle of tequila, I fill both shot glasses and push one towards her. “Shot first, talk later.” I lift my glass in the air.

“To out-of-body, orgasmic bliss,” Jules says, clinking her glass to mine. “Okay, so no sex in the office. That’s good. I think,” she adds after downing her shot.

I scrunch up my nose. “I sat on his desk today while he ate me out,” I say, refilling the glasses.

“You what?” She laughs.

“He said I was dessert. And he made me a chicken and avo sandwich for lunch. How could I say no?” I shrug, like it’s the most normal response, given the situation.

“Oh yeah, then I see how you had no choice at all in the matter. You definitely had to have your pussy eaten out by your hot boss in his office.” She laughs again.

I lift my shot in the air. “To always coming first,” I say, clinking her glass.

“Oh, I bet you do.” She smirks and downs her tequila.

“I do. Multiple times.”

“Okay, so good sex, hot boss. What’s the problem?” she counters.

“He’s myboss.” I put extra emphasis on the last word.

“Who cares? You’re both consenting adults.”

She’s starting to sound like Nathan.

“There’s this case the firm’s handling. I can’t get into details, but our client is suing Mark Kemp,” I tell her.

“Mark Kemp? Oh my god, Bentley.” Her voice turns sympathetic. She knows how much I want to make that man pay for what he’s done. She does too, but her ideas are to hire a hitman and be done with him. Mine are a little more on the legal side.

“We had to have a meeting today with Kemp and his lawyers,” I add.

“And what happened…?”

“Kemp said he heard I was spreading my legs for my boss and that Daddy would be ashamed of me.” I can’t stop the tears from falling.

“No.” She shakes her head at me. “Stiffen that lip, Bentley Johnson. We are not going to allow that man to take any more of our tears.”

“What if it’s true, Jules? What if Daddy is up there somewhere, disgusted by me and my actions?”

“It’s not true. Daddy would be super proud of you, Bentley. You are smart, way smarter than any of us. And you’re strong. There is nothing wrong with anything you’re doing.”

“I just… I can’t help but feel like it’s wrong. But I can’t stop it either. I love him.”
