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“The hot boss?”

“Yes.” I nod, pulling my vibrating phone out of my bag. I see the name #hotboss on the screen and turn it around to show Jules. “I left the office without saying anything,” I tell her before placing my phone face down on the table. I’ll call him back later.

“So, what happened after that asshole basically called you a slut?”

“Nathan punched him. Got him really good too,” I tell her, refilling our glasses.

“So, gives mind-blowing orgasms, punches someone who talks shit about you, and is mouth-wateringly hot. I like him already. I think you should make him my brother.” She snatches my phone off the table when it starts vibrating again. “Hey, it’s Jules, your new sister. Bentley is currently drowning her sorrows in a bottle of tequila and can’t come to the phone right now,” she says into the receiver. I reach over the table, trying to snatch my phone back, but she’s too quick. “Oh, we’re at the student bar,” she continues. I can’t hear what Nathan tells her, but she answers with a, “Sounds great. See you soon, bro.”

“Oh my god, Jules, no, just no!” I tell her.

She smiles huge, placing my phone back down on the table as she picks up the bottle and pours us each a shot. Raising her glass, she smirks. “To new brothers, who hopefully come with equally hot friends.”

“He does.” I laugh. “But I’m pretty sure they’re both spoken for.” I have no idea if Alistair is dating someone or not, but I’ve heard rumours around the office that he is into some really out-there, kinky shit. I think I’ll keep my little sister away from that one.

“All the good ones are.” She sighs.


Ineed to put a fucking bell on this woman. My little runaway did it again. Ran away. Okay, she didn’t run away exactly but she left the office early and didn’t tell a soul where she was going. I really wanted to take her home, cook her dinner, and have dessert with her. Or have her with dessert. Now I’m driving across the city to hunt her down at a fucking student bar. I haven’t stepped foot in that particular bar since I was a student myself. Which was a long fucking time ago.

“You might want to slow down, unless you want to add speeding fines to your list of fuckups today,” Alistair says from the passenger seat.

“I haven’t fucked up today.”

“You lost your girlfriend. That’s a bit of a fuckup.” He laughs.

“I didn’t lose her. She went to meet her sister.”

“Right,” he says.

“Why are you even coming with me?” I ask him. He followed me out of the office and jumped into my car right as I was about to take off.

“Xavier and I agreed that you need babysitting.”

“Fuck off. He’s the one being sued. Maybe you both should be more focused on that, instead of me and my girlfriend.”

“Well, if you pulled your head out of your own ass, you’d know that the case against Xav was dropped.”

“What? When did that happen?”

“Last night. Shardonnay saved the day.”

“How?” I ask.

“She went out with Lucy, found the chick who made the allegations, and recorded her admitting that the claims were false.”

“Shardonnay’s a fucking genius. Why the fuck didn’t we think of that?”

“She got her drunk first, and it’s not exactly a legal way to gain evidence.Wework within the law.”

I shake my head. “Sometimes I think rules need to be bent.”

“Sometimes.” He sighs. “However, it’s just a bit of dumb luck that nothing actually happened to them. They went to some seedy biker bar, alone.”

“Shit, Xavier must have had a coronary.”

“Apparently, some guy who’s way too into Lucy tracked them down there.”
