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“Do we know him?” I ask. Lucy may be Xavier’s little sister, but we’ve watched her grow up, so she’s kind of like our little sister now too. I’m not sure how I feel about any guy being into her.

“Dominic McKinley,” Alistair says.

“Fuck no. Lucy is not dating a McKinley.” As I say the words, I’m already coming up with ideas on how to keep them apart. Preferably a way to send her somewhere over on the other side of the world, out of the reach of Dominic fucking McKinley.

“I don’t think we get much of a say in that, mate,” Alistair replies.

“Watch me,” I tell him.

I pull up outside the student bar and look around. We’re surrounded by hordes of college idiots. Guys way closer to Bentley’s age than I am. My blood boils at the thought of her being hit on by the countless assholes in here.

Alistair’s gaze locks on something across the way. “Ah, I’ll catch up with you later. I just remembered I had shit to do,” he says and then proceeds to cross the street.

I don’t have time to worry about what or who caught his attention. He’s a big boy. He can look out for himself. My concern right now is that my girlfriend is drunk somewhere in this bar. I walk inside and scan the crowd. I can’t see her anywhere, so I head towards the bar. I hear her before I see her. Pivoting on my heel, I find her standing on a booth with a shot glass in the air.

“To hot bosses who offer O benefits,” she calls out before downing the shot.

“Having fun, baby girl?” I ask her before wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her down.

“Hey, it’s my hot boss!” she exclaims. “Look, Jules, it’s him.” Bentley turns towards the girl still seated at the booth. Her sister, or so I was told over the phone. Thankfully,Julesdoesn’t look anywhere near as drunk as Bentley does.

“So it is.” Her sister smiles at me. “Hi, I’m Jules.” She holds out a hand.

I shake it. “How many has she had?” I ask.

“She is right here and can speak for herself,” Bentley slurs. I guide her into the booth before sliding in beside her.

“Thatwas full,” Jules replies, pointing at a half-empty bottle of tequila.

“Bentley, I think it’s time I took you home,” I tell her.

“Nope, it’s early and there’s still tequila.” She shakes her head, appearing to make herself dizzy as she reaches out and grabs for the bottle.

Thankfully Jules snatches it first. “I’ll pour. You’re just going to spill it all.”

Bentley looks at me. “You really are too hot for your own good, you know that, Nathan Miller?”

I smirk at her, “I do now.”

“And I really like your O benefits program,” she adds.

“Good to know,” I say.I have no idea how I’m going to convince her to come home with me. I need to get her out of this bar. She’s wasted.

“What if it’s true? What if I’m nothing but an easy girl who opens her legs way too wide. And what if my dad is ashamed of me?” she questions after a moment of silence. I can hear the hint of sadness in her voice. “But I really like opening my legs wide for you, Mr Miller. This is your fault, you know. Yours and that magic cock you have.”

I laugh. I know I shouldn’t but she’s not making any sense. I turn to her sister for some guidance, help, anything. And all I get from her is a shrug. “Bentley, look at me.” I take hold of her face. I can see her eyes fighting to stay focused on me. “Good girl.” I lean in and kiss her forehead. “What you and I have is real. It’s not a passing fad, and you’re not one of those easy girls. I didn’t know your father, but if any of our children—when we have them—turn out to be half as great as you are, I’ll be fucking proud as shit that they’re mine. Ours.”

“You want me to get fat and ugly?” She screws up her face.

“You could never be anything but beautiful to me, Bentley,” I tell her.

“You say that now, but wait until I have leaky boobs and my vagina is ten times the size it was, because I had to push an actual human out of it,” she says.

“We’re adopting.” I’m not risking that pussy of hers getting destroyed. Fuck that. I happen to love that pussy. I have dreams about that pussy. Thoughts of her pussy fill ninety percent of my day. It’s amazing I actually get any real work done.

“I think it’s way too early for you two to even be discussing kids. Seriously, the only thing coming out of you, sis, is going to be vomit in roughly…” Jules glances at her watch. “…seven hours.”

“Why seven hours?” I ask.
