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“It’s seven o’clock now. And whenever she drinks, she wakes up sometime between midnight and three a.m. to vomit. Without fail. So I’m really freaking glad she has you to hold her hair back, and I can retire from that job.” Jules smiles.

“What, no. Jules. No. He can’t see me vomit. We are not there yet. You have to take me home.” Bentley’s voice is panicked.

“Bentley, I don’t care. If I have to hold your hair back all night, I will,” I tell her. “Come on, let’s go home.”

“No, I don’t want you to see me all gross and yuck.” She shakes her head.

“I’ve licked your ass, Bentley. Trust me when I say we are as close as two people can be,” I whisper into her ear. When I pull back again, I can see the redness creeping up her cheeks. “Besides, if you let me take you home, I can give you some of those O benefits that you’re so fond of.”

“Why didn’t you open with that?” she says, pushing me out of the booth. I slide out, catching her as she stumbles after me. Then she turns to her sister. “Thanks for the tequila. I’ll call you.”

“Want a ride home?” I offer Jules.

“Aw, you’re going to make the best big brother ever. But, no, I’m fine, I actually have a late class I have to get to,” she says as she follows us outside the bar.

“You sure?” I ask.

“Yep. Look after my sister. She’s seems to be fond of your dick, so I’d hate to have to cut it off because you hurt her.” With that, the girl turns around and walks off.

“Don’t worry, I’d never let her cutthatoff. A toe maybe, but not that. It’s way too useful,” Bentley assures me.

“Ah, thanks,” I reply as I practically carry her to the car. She’s a mess. Tucking her into the passenger seat, I buckle her in before I walk around and climb into the driver’s seat. Not even five minutes into the drive, she’s passed out, with little snores parting her mouth. I look over at her sleeping face. She’s fucking perfect.

Her insecurities really came out tonight. Drinking has a tendency to do that. She works so hard at appearing like she can take on the world, that nothing affects her. But I know the truth. She’s terrified of being judged like her father.

I manage to pick her up, carry her up to the apartment, and lay her in bed without waking her. Carefully, I remove her clothes and pull the covers up to her chin. After placing a bottle of water next to her on the bedside table, I climb into bed.

I’m drifting off when Bentley bolts upright and runs for the bathroom. I look at the alarm clock. 12:30 a.m.Guess Jules was right.I walk into the bathroom and squat down next to Bentley, who is currently bent over and emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet. I grab her hair and hold it back from her face.

“Argh, you’re not meant to see me like this,” she says.

“I’m the one person who can see you in any state and not judge you, Bentley. We are that person for each other,” I tell her, kissing the top of her head. I wait until her body sags against me before adding, “Come on, I’ll make you a tea.” I pick her up, carry her back to the bedroom, and lay her on the bed. “I’ll be right back,” I say, then make my way to the kitchen.


Do you ever feel like everything is too perfect? That’s what my life is like right now. Everything is perfect. I couldn’t be happier, and that’s the problem. Life is never this perfect. It’s been three weeks since I handed Xavier my resignation letter. All three partners have been working overtime in an effort to change my mind.

Which is why I’m currently staring at a fruit basket. A fruit basket full of bananas. Why bananas? The card is from Alistair.


It’s absolutely bananas that you want to leave us.

Also, don’t leave us.


I can’t help but chuckle a little. It’s funny, but is it enough to get me to stay? If I weren’t already one hundred percent certain, it might help to persuade me. However, my mind was made up a week ago. I’ve decided to stay. I just have to let the partners know my final decision and hope they don’t all hate me for stuffing them around.

And then everything comes full circle. Back to the perfect life thing again. So when is that shoe going to drop? Is staying what’s going to tip the balance on the scale and send my world crumbling around me? Is that when the universe notices how good I have it and takes it all back? If so, what will it cost me? My job? My health? My family? Nathan?

For once in my life, I want to believe that I can have it all. I want to believe that Nathan is right when he tells me that we are going to be fine. The countless little whispers of reassurance he sends my way are giving me hope that maybe he knows what he’s talking about. That we are going to be able to have it all and be okay. Then I think about my parents. They had it all.Everything.They were so in love. They were happy. And then they weren’t.

I open the spreadsheet I created, listing all the pros and cons of staying on at Christianson, Miller, and Warner. I reread it every time my resolve begins to waver.

Nathan. Huge pro. We love him.

Great bosses!!!

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