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“Fuck, Bentley, you can’t say shit like that to me. How am I meant to meet your mother with a boner?” He groans as a hand reaches down to adjust his pants.

“You always have a boner,” I deadpan. It amazes me how he’s always so ready.

“Not always, only when I’m around you, or thinking about you, or thinking about thinking about you. So, basically, you’re right… pretty much always.”

I open the door and climb out of the car. Nathan scowls at me as he makes his way around the other side but doesn’t say anything. I know he likes opening the door for me, but being an independent woman and all that, I can open my own doors. I join my hands with his and walk up to the front of the house. I pause, suddenly nervous all over again, before grabbing the knob, opening the door, and leading Nathan through the foyer.

“We’re here,” I call out.

“Dining room,” my mum replies as she appears in the hallway and gestures us forward.

“Hi, Mum. This is Nathan. Nathan, my mum, Shirley.” I wave a hand between them.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Johnson.” Nathan holds out a palm to my mum.

She ignores it, embracing him while bypassing the handshake. “Likewise, come here.”

I watch as Nathan awkwardly returns the hug before pulling away. His hand finds mine. He entangles our fingers together again before offering me a reassuring squeeze.

“You’re just in time, Bentley. You can help your sister set the table,” Mum says.

“I’ll help you,” Nathan offers, gripping my palm even tighter. At first, I thought the gesture was for my benefit; now I’m thinking it’s more for his.

Is the ever-cool Nathan Miller nervous?

I tilt my head up and peer over at him. Yep, he’s nervous. It’s a look I’ve not seen on him before. And, for some reason, his nerves put my own at ease. “Come on, I’ll get you a drink first.” I pull him towards the dining room, where there’s a small wet bar.

Jules is setting plates down on the table when we enter. “Hey.” She glances up and smiles.

“Hey, how are you?” I ask her, as I walk straight to the bar and pour a glass of whiskey before passing it to Nathan.

He looks around the room, then quickly downs it in one go. “Thanks,” he says as he hands the glass back to me.

Jules and I both laugh. “You do know you’re like a gazillion years old. You don’t have to sneak alcohol,” my sister tells him with a grin.

“A gazillion?” Nathan parrots with a raised brow.

“You’re not that old. But she’s right. You don’t need to sneak a drink. Want another?” I offer.

“No, thank you.” Nathan is rigid. He’s standing close to me, but I’ve never seen him so stiff.

“Relax. You’re okay,” I tell him.

“I am relaxed.” He smiles but it falls short.

“Come, sit down. I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life.” Jules points to a chair where she’s already placed a table setting. “I have so many stories for you.So many,” she repeats, placing extra emphasis on the last two words.

“No, you do not!” I hiss at her. “Muuuum!” I call out at the top of my lungs. “Control your feral child!”

Nathan looks at me. He’s fighting the smile tugging at his lips. His brows are raised, his eyes wide. Leaning in, he whispers in my ear, “You have nothing to worry about. Me, on the other hand, I’m fucking hard as a rock. Did you really have to wear that dress?” he whispers.

I look down at myvery plainwhite sundress. It’s absolutely nothing special. “Yes. And do not listen to a word she says,” I warn him.

Mum walks in, carrying a plate with a roast lamb sitting on top. Shit, she really went all out for this dinner. I feel bad for not being here earlier and helping her.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Nathan offers my mum.

“Yes, keep those two from murdering each other and that one from deafening the entire neighbourhood.” My mum nods her head at me.

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