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“Me!” I exclaim, pointing to myself. “It’s her fault. She’s purposely trying to embarrass me.” I point to Jules.

My mum places the roast in the middle of the table. “I think you’re doing a bang-up job of embarrassing yourself right now, Bentley,” she throws over her shoulder before marching back out of the room.

Her words sink in. Oh god. She’s right. I just acted like a petulant child. In front of Nathan. What is it with little sisters bringing out the worst in you?

I sink onto the dining room chair. “It’s okay. Take a load off, Bentley, I’ll finish this,” Jules says, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“Thanks. Appreciate it,” I respond with a smirk.

Nathan sits next to me. “Relax. I happen to think you’re adorable,” he says to me, not so quietly.

“Oh my god! Please tell me you have brothers or equally hot friends,” Jules says to him.

“No brothers, sorry.” He shrugs before adding, “Or friends either.”

“But Bentley said you had hot friends.”

My face heats up. “Jules, seriously?”

“What? You did say that.” She lifts a single shoulder.

“You think my friends are hot?” Nathan turns his glare on me.

“Objectively good looking. Not hot,” I clarify.

“Ever thought of going out on our own. Creating a firm with just the two of us. And no objectively good-looking partners?”

“Stop it. You know that I don’t think about them like that. Those thoughts are solely reserved for you,” I tell him.

“Thank fuck. I’d hate to have to bury my best friends,” he says, leaning in to peck me on the lips.

“You two are making me sick—way too cute.”

“Thanks.” I beam at my sister.

Mum enters the dining room again with an oven dish of baked veggies. I stand up. “I’ll be back,” I tell Nathan. Heading into the kitchen, I collect the bowl of peas and corn, and the gravy boat. Mum appears at my side and grabs the salad bowl. “Were you planning on feeding an army? There’s only one of him. I don’t have a harem, Mum,” I tell her.

“A harem? Let’s hope not. Also, I didn’t know what he’d like,” she says and pivots on her heels, making her way back to the dining room.

I place the dishes in the middle of the table and reclaim my seat next to Nathan. There is more food here than what any of us could possibly eat.

“This looks fantastic, Mum. Thanks,” Jules says.

“It does look good, Mrs Johnson. Thank you for having me,” Nathan adds.

“You’re welcome, and please call me Shirley.” Mum smiles.

We all load up our plates and dig into the food.

“So, what are your intentions with my daughter, Nathan?” Mum asks, breaking the silence.

“My intention is to marry her,” Nathan replies without missing a beat.

I choke on the peas I just shovelled into my mouth, and end up coughing and sputtering while trying to regain my composure.

Nathan’s hand slaps my back. Then he picks up a glass of water and hands it to me. “You okay?”

“Yep,” I say, and try to swallow around the lump in my throat.
