Page 54 of Tempting Love

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How had he known that including Maggie made it harder for me to say no? The fact that he wanted to date me, possibly court me, was sweet, and I liked it. But I wasn’t sure I could handle it.

“Where are we going?” Maggie asked as she rushed into the room.

“Where do you want to go, Maggie-girl?” He swung her into his arms.

They chatted about their favorite restaurants while I observed them. Sam loved his daughter. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her, and he wouldn’t have asked me out if he thought it wouldn’t be good for his daughter. She came first.

“What do you like, Miss Alice?”

I’d been listening in enough to hear that she preferred a place with chips and salsa. “Tacos sound perfect.”

He placed her on the ground while she ran off to find her shoes. “Thanks for agreeing to tacos. It helps when they bring the chips and salsa out first. It keeps her occupied.”

“It’s the same with Amelia.”

He leaned in and lowered his voice. “I’m looking forward to taking you out tonight, but make no mistake, I want to take you out alone too.”

“I’m working up to it. Give me some time.”

He didn’t seem put off by my comment. “I’m a patient guy.”

Maggie ran back into the room wearing pink rubber rain boots.

“Are you sure that’s what you want to wear? It’s not raining,” Sam asked.

Maggie put her hands on her hips. “It’s fashion, Daddy.”

I couldn’t stop the laugh that erupted.

“You’re going to be fun when you’re a teenager,” Sam mumbled.

“You’re going to love it.” I could see him now, worried about the guys wanting to take her out, struggling with the desire to let her grow up, yet wanting to protect her from the world. My heart squeezed. I hoped I’d be around for it. That I’d get to see Maggie grow up alongside Amelia.

I mentally shook my head. It was one date with his daughter. One bouquet of flowers. It wasn’t forever. Things didn’t work out. In my experience, they blew up in your face when you least expected it.

On the way to the restaurant, Maggie requested specific songs that I played for her on my phone. I sang along with her, which she seemed to enjoy.

At the restaurant, Sam ordered chips and salsa. When the waiter asked for our drinks, Sam deferred to me.

“I’ll just have water.”

“You can get a margarita if you want. You’re not on the clock.”

My face flushed. “No, thank you.”

Then I prayed he didn’t push and ask why.

He ordered a water and then asked the waitress to go through the juices available for Maggie.

When the waitress left, Maggie became absorbed in eating chips and dripping salsa on the table.

“I don’t mind if you have a drink when I’m here.”

“That’s okay. I don’t drink much.”Ever.Not anymore.

His all-too-knowing gazing penetrated the mask I tried to don.

My stomach fluttered. I didn’t want him to think badly of me, so I rushed to add, “I’m not an alcoholic or anything. I just don’t like how it makes me feel.”
