Page 85 of Tempting Love

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It was simple psychology. People wanted what someone else desired. “I can go to a few more stores and give it a shot.”

“Can’t hurt, right?”

My mind was still reeling from his suggestions and everything that had happened today.

“Let’s figure out the shipping tonight once Maggie’s asleep. I bet we can find something doable.”

I started clearing the dishes. “You don’t have to do that. This is my thing.”

“I want to help. Starting your own business is exciting. I never got to do that.”

“I’m starting to think I made a huge mistake,” I said, once Maggie excused herself to play in the living room.


“I guess I thought it would be easier. That they’d take one look at the mosaics and would want to sell them.” I shook my head, willing away the tears that threatened.

“Nothing about business is easy. Don’t get discouraged.”

“It’s hard not to.” I wondered if it was a sign that I was taking the wrong path.

“Did you ask anyone about the workshops?”

My shoulders dropped. “No one had space for it.”

“You’ll find the right thing. I’m sure when my dad was starting out, it wasn’t easy. I’m sure he’d be happy to talk to you about it.”


“He’s really into the business side. Always coming up with new ideas for marketing and making things more efficient.”

“Then why don’t you think he’d be open to your ideas?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Probably for the same reason you’re doubting yourself right now. I’m not confident in myself. Or in the way he sees me.”

“You should talk to your dad.”

He tapped my nose. “And you shouldn’t give up.”

He glanced into the living room, checking to see that Maggie was facing away from us as she talked to her dolls before he kissed me softly on the lips.

Tonight was nice. We’d had dinner together many times now, but the way he’d supported me when I was feeling down was unlike anything my parents would have said. He wanted me to keep trying. He believed in me. Just like I believed in him.

It gave me hope that I could have everything I wanted, a relationship with him and a business doing what I loved.



“The owner’s here,” Mac said as soon as I got out of my truck the next morning.

“Is there a problem?” A woman owned the B&B, but so far, Dad had handled the communications with her. All I knew was that she lived on the East Coast, visited long enough to purchase this place and hire our company, and then went back to wherever she was from. I assumed she’d hire a manager to handle this place or eventually move, but it didn’t matter to me.

“We’re following the plans she worked out with Dad, and he’s on vacation this week with Mom, remember?”

“Right.” I’d forgotten, with everything going on at home with Alice.

I followed him up the steps, bracing myself for an unhappy client. It happened in our business. Some owners preferred to visit every day and ask tons of questions. Others checked in every few weeks. I wondered what the deal was with this woman and why she had Mac so riled up.
