Page 58 of Love Me Like You Do

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I walked under his outspread arm to hug him. “It’s perfect. I’m just going to change.”

He kissed me soundly on the lips before letting me go. “Should be here in thirty.”

“What do ya say we get the living room ready for a movie?” Harrison asked Wren.

“Can we do the projector?” Wren asked as I made my way upstairs, peeling off my work clothes and pulling on sweats. I loved coming home to Harrison and Wren, pulling on comfortable clothes, and settling in for a relaxing weekend.

When had I started to think of Harrison’s place as mine? My hands shook as I pulled a brush through my hair in the bathroom, removing any knots from the day.

I loved coming home to them. We hadn’t made love since Monday because we were like ships passing in the night. I wasn’t sure where we stood or what any of it meant. Plus, Wren was here all weekend. It would be difficult if not impossible to have a private conversation.

I tried to put my worries out of my mind while I headed downstairs. The projector screen was already set up outside.

“We’re watching a movie out here?” I asked them.

“The fire’s on, and I brought out the heaters for the patio.”

“I’ll grab the blankets,” I said.

“Already on it.” Wren’s arms were piled high with overflowing blankets.

“Let me help you.” I took a few from the top and carried them to the couch.

“I brought your slippers,” Harrison said, handing them to me.

The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Harrison said as he moved through the house.

I went to the kitchen to fill our water bottles and carried them outside. I resisted the urge to ask Wren about school because it was Friday night. She deserved a break. We’d worry about homework on Sunday.

Since when had I started to think about Wren as mine? Without even consciously thinking about it, I wondered about her day, what homework she had, and whether she was happy. I’d always been close to her, but she meant so much more to me now.

Harrison carried the small white boxes to the coffee table. The heaters and fire worked to keep the small area warm and cozy.

“Are you ready for this?” Harrison asked me when we were settled.

“It’s one of my favorites,” I said as the opening scene played, Belle singing as she walked through town. There was something about a heroine who’d grown up with a single father, loved to read, and wanted more out of her life. It never failed to get to me.

I was raised by a single mother who wasn’t as involved as hers, but maybe I was envious of her relationship with her dad.

We ate, and when we were done, Harrison held his arm out so I could snuggle into his side. This might not have been real, but I wanted to play the role of girlfriend for a little while longer.

When the beast revealed his library to Belle, Wren said, “I want a library like that.”

“Me too.” I’d always loved this scene. It was the ultimate gift.

“You want books? Not flowers?” Harrison asked us.

“It’s not just the books; it’s a library with cozy leather furniture, a fireplace, and—”

“And the sliding ladder. You can’t not have that,” Wren said.

“Good to know,” Harrison said as we quieted to watch the rest of the movie.

If I wanted more for myself, like a house, I needed to make a change in my work life. But I put it out of my mind, enjoying the music and dancing for the rest of the movie. I hadn’t allowed myself to watch movies like this after my dad left. But I was pleased I still enjoyed them, even if I didn’t think relationships like these were possible.


