Page 48 of Forbidden Want

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Her eyes closed for a second. Her brother. Shit. She’d have to tell him everything. The whole truth. Evander’s interest came and went through the years. Whenever she could shield her brother from it, she did. Now it was a thing again, maybe worse than ever before.

According to Strat’s contacts, Evander was still in the hospital. After what he’d said to her… Evander thought there was a contest or something going on. She didn’t blame Connel for wanting to be free of it. She wanted to be free of it too. Shame it wasn’t so easy for her to walk away.

The whole thing was ridiculous. Evander was a cocky—

A hand closed over her mouth as an arm locked round her ribcage, hauling her off her feet. She kicked and tried to scream, but there was nothing as whoever he was lugged her into shadow. She couldn’t breathe with his huge hand blocking her airway. What the hell was…? Who was…? Shit. Think. Breathe.

Slammed back against a wall, the air rushed from her lungs. Pain blasted the back of her head. Stars dazed her eyes.

A gruff voice, right in her face, fogged her with foul breath. “Talk,” he snarled. “Fucking talk.”

“What the…?”

Had he asked something? What was happening? The dark air smelled like urine and dumpster. An alley. They were in an alley.

“McDade,” he hissed. “Who’s on his payroll?”

“Who’s on his—”

Yanked forward and thrown to the ground, something hard hit her side. Searing fire shot up the inside of her arm. Screaming at the pain, she somehow ended up on her back.

“You tell me who the fuck he’s greasing.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, cradling her aching arm. “I don’t know what you want to—”

“Think he’ll protect you?”

Her hips moved, her dress. Fuck. Cold, slimy hands groped her thighs, yanking fabric, jerking it up to her panties.

“Where’s the fucker now?”

“No,” she said, fighting to close her legs when a knee landed between them.

“Fucking talk or he’ll have you.”

Closing her eyes, she sucked in a breath. Concentrate. Don’t be afraid. Be smart. One guy crouched over her, dirty blond hair, blue eyes…

“Do you know who my father is?” she panted, huffing in one breath after another.

The grit of dirt dampened her skin, her dress, her hair. When someone grabbed her thigh, she kicked out with the other leg. Up and out, just like Lachlan taught her, leading with the heel. From the howl of pain, she guessed she hit the mark.

“Fucking bitch!”

“Get out of here. Now,” she said, finding her disgust in time with her rage. “You don’t want to get in any deeper.”

The dirty blond guy laughed and glanced at his colleague. “You hear that? She’s threatening us!”

Skull and crossbones tattoo behind his ear.

“I’ll fucking show her.”

Her thighs were grabbed again. She fought, using all her strength to close her legs as a shorter, stockier guy tried to get between them.

“Fuck you,” she said, kicking though she’d lost both her shoes. “No!”

“You want him to stop, you tell us,” the blond guy said. “Who’s McDade got on the council? His allies. Who’s on the Harvest deal? Tell us!”

“Fuck you,” she said, spitting at him.
