Page 49 of Forbidden Want

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Flipping over, she tried to crawl away. Someone grabbed her ankle and dragged her back. Emptying her lungs, she screamed. Someone had to hear her. Please. Anyone.

“Dumb bitch!”

“No!” she yelled, scrambling to grab for something, anything.

Trash and puddles. No weapons. No salvation. When they let go of her ankles, she struggled to her knees, desperate to get to her feet.

A fist tightened in her hair, jerking her hard, swinging her around in an arc that ended in the harsh brick of a building. Nausea. The pain was more than her body could handle. She couldn’t see anything but black. Still, she lashed out, nails first, seeking skin. Gather the evidence. Lach would need evidence.

Another something hit her gut and she doubled. Lachlan. Tears would come if they could. One hit became another, and she was on the ground again. Retching. Screaming. Trying to fight. Her brother… He’d never forgive himself. He’d never let this go. She’d be his demise.


SHE WANTED TO PUKE. Her body convulsed. Every part of her ached.


Her voice was dry, her throat scratched.

“Hey! Hey, she’s awake.”

Someone grabbed her hand; another rush of pain. Her head throbbed, but she rolled it to try blinking the figure next to her into focus.


“I’m here,” he said, his kiss warming the back of her hand.

She couldn’t really see him. Or she could, but the edges blurred, slipping in and out of each other in the glare of light.

“I’m not dead.”

“You’re not dead,” he said, tightening his grip.

Recoiling wasn’t possible, but her other hand was heavy. She couldn’t even lift it. “Where am I?”

“Hospital,” he said. “You scared us.”


“Was it McDade?” Lachlan asked. “He did this to you?”

Did what? Focusing was a struggle.

“No,” she said, trying to frown. “No. No… What’s going on? I don’t… Where are we?”

“Don’t rush her.”

Her attention moved to that voice. “Grandpapa?”

“We’re all here, Ser, honey.” Someone touched her leg over whatever covered it. “We’re here for you.”

“Who is…? What?”

“She’s disoriented,” Lachlan said.

“Yes, she’ll need time to recover.” Was that her dad? “Don’t rush her.”

“We need a statement,” Lachlan said. “I need to know who to take down.”
