Page 89 of Forbidden Want

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“I don’t know about the old man,” he said. “Approaching him is a risky move.”

“He’s never taken a payoff?”

“Not from me.”

Sense was returning, though incredulity took its place. “Can we consider my father might be acting under duress? Maybe he’s a victim, under pressure.”

His touch descended until his thumb ran across her lower lip. “Either way, he’s feeding Manzani.”

Grief was weighty. “We can’t trust him.” He caressed her face while she gathered the courage to ask, “Did he know?” Biting into her lip, she fought to dam the tears. “Did he… that Manzani sent his guys to me?”

For a second, he said nothing, just watched the lip she worried. “You want to stick to our honesty kick?” Was she ready for the potential answer? Either way, she nodded. “I can lie to you, baby. I’m good at it.”

“Conn,” she begged.

“If I find out he knew Manzani’s plan to target you, don’t ever leave me alone with him,” he said. “Only one of us will come out alive.”

It wasn’t a yes. Wasn’t a no.


Though she was the one with her back to the doorway, Connel closed the open shirt over her body.

“In a minute,” he called to his guy. “You wanna stay here, Macushla?”

Feeling like that. Dirty. Used. Betrayed? No, she didn’t want to stay there. She wanted to go to her dad to demand the truth. Would the answer make her feel better? If he was in trouble, maybe they could help. If not, and she found out he’d known about the attack in advance… She’d be sick. And then what? He was in charge of the police. Why would anyone believe her over him?

“I’ve gotta go talk to the guys.”

“Wait,” she said, catching his hand before it could go anywhere. “Wait, baby…”

She guided his hand to her breast as she pushed up to press her mouth to his.

Squeezing her, he caught the back of her head to force her mouth closer. His tongue went deep, giving her a taste of that security she craved.

He gripped her hair to release that shared pressure, though their lips stayed whisper close.

“You’re a McDade,” he growled. “You’re gonna be okay. You’re a McDade. Tell me.”

“I’m a McDade.”

He kissed her fast. “Lay down and I’ll be back later. Want a pill? Something to help you sleep?”

“No,” she murmured, laying a hand on his chest. “You’ll stay close?”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said, increasing his pull to ease her further back. “This is your kingdom.”

“Act like it,” she whispered. “I’m a McDade.”

“You’re a McDade,” he said and kissed her quick. “Stay here.”

He got up and left. She stared into nothing for some length of time, then sank forward to bury her face in Connel’s pillow.

Her father corrupt? It was the Twilight Zone. He couldn’t have known she’d be hurt. He couldn’t. No, they hadn’t always had the best relationship, but he wasn’t callous. Pussy or green. Would they motivate her father? Maybe if he wasn’t the man she thought he was. Either he was in serious trouble, or she’d been duped her whole life.


GOING THROUGH THE office and down the stairs, she was grateful for the insulated mug she’d found in the kitchen. Coffee was her lifeblood, and Connel’s coffee was the best she’d ever tasted. Maybe she was biased. Everything there, around him, was better than anywhere else.
