Page 17 of Greed

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“She is,” I tell him.

“Good. Good job, Luka.” I nod once as I look out over the crowd. I see my men in place as they should be. I see those who would back my father, killing me in a heartbeat if they needed to. And yet I still feel a sense of calmness wash over me.

The music begins, and the doors open, showcasing Delaney and her father at the end of the aisle. This is it. This is go time.

Chapter 9

She walks down the aisle with the veil over her face. I wish I could see her face. I wish I could know what she’s thinking, but I can’t. Our little chat must have satisfied her enough to get her to walk down the damn aisle to Romano.

The closer she gets, the more my heart hammers at what I’m about to do. It doesn’t matter much to me. A life is a life. Most of them hold no value to me aside from hers and my own, of course.

They stop at the end of the aisle, and her father raises her veil. She’s so goddamn beautiful it almost hurts this has to happen. I wait until the Pastor says his part, and it’s time to exchange the rings. Then I pull my gun from the back of my tuxedo and step up to my brother.

“What the hell is this, Luka?”

“You were never meant to have her,” I growl low in my throat as gasps sound through the room. I hear shuffling behind me and have no doubt shit’s about to go down if I don’t handle it first. I pull the fucking trigger and watch as my brother falls to the ground. Delaney screams, as do a few others, but when I turn and face the crowd, I see no one has come after me. He didn’t deserve her. I want her. I want it all, and that’s exactly what I will have.

I raise the gun and point it at Delaney as people sob and wonder what the hell is happening.

“You must be wondering what’s going on right now, and now is as good of a time as any to share. Sit. Back. Down,” I order. They all do as they're told as Delaney sobs her heart out next to me.

“This was all part of my plan for bigger and better things. Mr. Costa, you chose the wrong brother for her. She was never meant for Romano, and we all know that.”

“You can’t just do this, Luka. We had a deal!” my father roars.

“The deal stays. She will be married to a Bianchi, just not Romano.” All eyes come to rest on me as they let that sink in.

“I won’t marry you, you murderer!” Delaney screams next to me. I chuckle.

“You act as though you have a choice in the matter,” I tell her without looking at her.

“I won’t do it,” she says once more.

“Mr. Costa, the merge will stand. You will have what you want. Our families will be as one. Isn’t that the point of all of this?”

“Not with you, it wasn’t. You’re a loose cannon, Luka. How can I be assured no harm will come to my daughter by your hand?” he asks. I smirk.

“You can’t be sure.”

“Then I won’t allow this,” he declares. I step closer to Delaney and press the gun to her head.

“If I don’t have her, no one else will either. Now, do we have an agreement?” I ask him once more. Delaney sobs, but that doesn’t bother me. She’s mine, and she’ll be mine because that’s what I want.

“Luka, please,” she begs.

“Shh, this doesn’t involve you anymore,” I tell her because it doesn’t. This is between her father and me.

“Luka!” My father roars as my brother lies dead on the floor at my feet. “He’s right. You just killed your brother!” His eyes never waver from me, telling me he can’t handle seeing his prized son dead on the floor at my feet.

“And now I’m taking his daughter,” I inform them. They share a look, but neither moves to say or do anything further. I take the rings from the Pastor and turn to Delaney, shoving the ring on her finger before I do the same with the one that was supposed to be Romano’s.

“Finish this up, Pastor or I will become angry,” I tell him, keeping the gun aimed at Delaney. She watches me, uncertain of what to say as the pastor finishes the service. He marries us without any objections when I finally lower my gun. I don’t kiss her. I don’t make a show of this. Instead, I grab her hand and walk back down the aisle of stunned onlookers.

“I expect everyone to be at the reception,” I roar over my shoulder as I lead her out to the waiting limo. Delaney climbs in, and I follow behind her, noting the red that now stains her white dress. Remnants of a brother who thought he could take what didn’t belong to him. I huff out a breath before taking my seat next to her.


“You might hate me, Delaney, but that’s far from what I feel for you.”
