Page 39 of Greed

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“You think he’s coming after you?”

“Why wouldn’t he?”

“You’re his son, Luka.”

“And I killed his other son. I killed the one he wanted,” I tell her.

“That doesn’t mean he’s coming after you.”

“He will. He wants revenge.”

“You don’t know that,” she argues, pissing me off a little more. I know my father. I know the man he is. I know what he wants. It’s the same thing I would do.

“I have work to do,” I tell her before turning on my heel and walking away. I can’t listen to her right now, even though I only want to be closer to her. I want her in my arms. I want her by my side, but I can’t, not right now.

Instead, I walk down the hall and head into my office, sitting at my desk and looking at the laptop in front of me. I know I need to get to work on this mess. I know I need to figure things out, and I’d say talking to Margetti is first on my list. I send him a text telling him I need to speak with him before opening my computer and pulling up Costa’s bank accounts. Not many people know I can hack into things like that; not even my father knows. No one but Romano knew, and from what I can gather, he never told my father about my special skills, or I would have been put to work much sooner.

I pull up his accounts before sitting and staring at the screen. I told Delaney I wouldn’t kill him, but I never said anything about making his life hell. I can ruin him without killing him. I can make his life harder on him.

“What do I do?” I ask myself. Do I go ahead and start the ball rolling? Do I wait it out and see what my father has planned? Because once he’s gone, there’s no turning back, and there will be no merger, as far as I’m concerned. I will not share a goddamn thing with him or his family. Delaney is the only one I care about, and she’s already mine.

I click on his accounts and transfer half his money to an unmarked offshore account that I can access at any time. I won’t take it all, but I will watch him squirm and try to figure out who the hell is doing this to him. I smirk at the screen when she walks in.

“What has you smiling? Because it surely isn’t me.” I look up at her now and smile.

“It’s always you,Bellissima.”

“Will you come to bed?” she asks. I nod and close the laptop, knowing I’d do anything for her. I stand from the chair and walk over, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her against me.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I get it,” she says softly.

“I’m worried he will try to hurt you to get to me. He has no morals now Romano is gone, and neither do I. It will end badly for one of us,” I admit to her.

“I’ll be careful.”

“You won’t leave my side,” I tell her. She nods and rests it on my chest as I hold her tightly. No, she won’t be leaving my side.

“I’ll do whatever you say, Luka.”

“Good girl. Let’s get you to bed,” I tell her before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

Chapter 18

Days have gone by without much activity, which worries me. I know he’s planning something, and I will kill him if he comes near Delaney. He’s a dead man anyway, but this will just speed it along.

As for Costa, I don’t know what to do about him. I know what he wants, and he isn’t getting it once I take over. He may be in with my father right now, but soon, he won’t know who to trust when he realizes half of his money is gone if he hasn’t noticed already.

As for now, I sit in the restaurant with Delaney by my side as I wait on Margetti. When I see him walk in, I sigh. I don’t know how to approach this situation with him. I don’t know if my father was telling the truth or just trying to have a reason for his actions.

“Nice to see you, Delaney,” he says as he sits across from us in the booth. “Luka. You look well.”

“Thank you for meeting with me.”

“You didn’t give me much choice,” he tells me.

“No, I suppose I didn’t. There’s a matter at hand, and I need to discuss it with you. It’s very personal,” I inform him, not knowing how he will react. This is all new to me, and I assume it’ll also be news to him. Whatever secrets my father was keeping, he must have been keeping them from Margetti.
