Page 40 of Greed

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“The casino?” he asks, looking confused.

“No. That’s business, and I’m still interested in working with you on that. This is something I’ve learned recently. If you don’t mind me asking, why don’t you have children?” he looks confused as he looks between Delaney and me.

“What kind of question is that, Luka?”

“I told you it was personal.”

“I was always told I couldn’t have kids. At least, that’s what the doctors told me. I’ve had women out there claim to have my children from time to time, but I never believed a word of it,” he says, and my chest tightens.

“So there’s a possibility you can indeed have children?”

“I never went back to the doctor to find out, but I suppose there’s always that chance,” he says. “What’s this about?”

“My father has told me you are my real father. Did you have an affair with my mother?” I ask, being straightforward with him. I need answers only he can give me. I can tell by the look on his face he doesn’t want to talk about this, and that’s too bad. I need to know. I need answers.

“Luka, that …”

“That what? Is false? Or is he telling the truth?”

“It was many years ago,” he says softly. “Your father was gone a lot back then. She was lonely and came to me. I didn’t refuse her the way I should have.” I lower my head. He let her be killed because of that. I don’t know how I feel about that, how I feel about any of this.

“Is it possible I’m your child?” I ask without looking up at him. I can’t look into his eyes and know the truth. I can’t know if his affair is the reason she’s dead.

“What? No.” Now I lift my head as Delaney grabs my hand and squeezes it.

“He told me a story. One about how you had an affair and I was conceived. That is why, when those men came looking for him, they killed her instead, and he didn’t care. The reason they were looking for me that night too. I hid from them. They never saw me.” Delaney sobs next to me as I squeeze her hand back. I know this is hard for her to hear as well.

“My God, Luka. If you are, I had no idea. She never told me.”

“I didn’t figure so. But now we have a situation,” I tell him.

“Which is?”

“He wants me out of the family. He wants nothing more to do with me.”

“And why is that a problem?”

“Because I am what he made me to be. I am a Bianchi, whether by blood or not. He made me into this, and I want it all, Vincent. I won’t stop until I have it all.” Margetti sits back in his seat to take it all in. I can see the wheels turning in his head right now. I can see he’s thinking this over.

“You’re right. You’re a Bianchi, and you should have what you want, Luka, but at what cost?”

“I’m not asking you for a damn thing if that’s what you’re thinking,” I snap at him.

“I didn’t think you would, but you can’t do this alone. Let me help you. We’ll get the test, and we’ll find out for sure. We both know people who can get it done quicker than normal,” he suggests finally, looking a little more at ease.

“And that’s what you want? You want to know?”

“Don’t you, Luka?” I shrug my shoulders. Either way, it won’t change what I am or what I’ve become.

“I’ll still be me. I’ll still be a Bianchi.” Vincent nods his head before reaching for his drink and taking a sip.

“If you are mine, you deserve your rightful place at my side, Luka.”

“Then we don’t do the test. The only place I’m going to be is at the head of the Bianchi empire,” I inform him. He nods and runs his hand through his hair as he watches me.
