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Mel finally drags her ass out of bed and starts working on breakfast as I get dressed and ready for my riding adventure, making sure to put just a little extra effort into my hair and makeup.

An hour later, I’m fed and ready to go, but goddamn, I’m nervous.

A knock sounds at the door and my eyes widen, my heart instantly getting caught in my throat and making it almost impossible to breathe. “Oooh, he’s here,” Mel teases as she walks out of the bathroom with her toothbrush sticking out of her mouth.

I narrow my eyes at her before double-checking my reflection in the hallway mirror and reminding myself that this isn’t a date, it’s just a thank you for saving his little girl. Confident I’m as ready as I’m ever going to be, I let out a breath and turn toward the door.

It’s now or never.

Striding across my small apartment, I curl my hand around the handle and pull the door open, only for my knees to go weak as I find a very relaxed Sean with his daughter in his arms. He looks delicious.

Shit. I can’t go there. This is not a date.

My gaze quickly sails over him, taking in his dark jeans and white shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination about what he’s got hiding underneath. “Hi,” I say, giving him a tight smile, feeling slightly awkward. It’s certainly a strange situation I’ve managed to get myself into.

“Hey,” he says, just as awkwardly as Georgia turns in his arms to get a good look at me. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah,” I say with a cringe, hesitating in the doorway as I meet his dark stare before giving him one last chance to bow out. “You know, you don’t need to do this, right?”

“Ahh, but I do,” he smiles, blowing me the fuck away. “Besides, you and I both know my brother would be right here on your doorstep if I even thought of showing up without you.”

Damn it. He’s got a good point.

Sean takes a step back and sweeps his arm around to gesture down the hallway, and I can just imagine what must be going through Mel’s head right now. “Trust me,” Sean continues. “It’s in your best interest if you play by Logan’s rules.”

I can’t help but smile as a soft flutter makes its way through my stomach. “Okay,” I laugh, way too taken by this perfect stranger. “I’ll just grab my bag.”

I turn around and dash into the kitchen to grab my handbag off the table to find Mel hiding around the corner, her hands up and making a string of inappropriate gestures like some kind of guidebook to how she thinks this is going to go.

“Stop it,” I hiss under my breath.

“Have fun,” she grins.

I roll my eyes and get my ass out of there before she manages to embarrass me, and with my handbag under my arm, I pull the door closed behind me and join Sean and Georgia in the hallway. “You ever ride a dirt bike before?” Sean asks as we start up the hallway.

“Ha. No,” I scoff. “And honestly, I have no intention of even trying today. I wasn’t built for that kind of thing.”

“Bullshit,” he laughs.

Georgia squeals, her eyes going wide. “Oh, Daddy said a nawty word,” she gasps as she watches her daddy in horror.

Sean looks at his daughter, laughter sparkling in her dark eyes. “Uh oh,” he says.

“You’re in big trowble, Mister,” Georgia scolds.

Sean nods his head, accepting whatever will be with his daughter before looking back at me. “Look, I’m not about to be that guy who’s going to force you to do something you don’t wanna do. But my brothers have a . . . different sense of morality, and I can honestly tell you now, you’re not leaving today without at least giving it a go.”

The nerves start building deep in my stomach, but not for the same reasons they were earlier. The thought of my ass on a dirt bike terrifies me, and I’m certain I’ll be making a fool of myself today. “Really?” I question, having seen one too many people come through the ER doors from tragic accidents caused by dirt bikes.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine,” he tells me. “It’s not like we’re just going to give you a helmet and leave you to figure it out yourself. You’ll be safe.”

Yeah right!

“Okay,” I swallow, nervously.

Sean opens the door to the building and ushers me outside like a perfect gentleman, which is when I see a beast of a truck with a dirt bike loaded up in the back and a little pink four-wheeled thingy beside it. I can’t help but smile at the sight. I never realized they make such small ones. Though, I couldn’t imagine many kids being allowed to do this sort of thing.
