Page 58 of No Angel

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Finally, though, he sank lower, taking his weight on his forearms, our faces only a few inches apart, and I knew this was going to be the time. His expert fingers stroked and rubbed, then plunged deep. His thumb began a slow, insistent rhythm at my clit. I grabbed his arm with both hands, urging him on. “Please,” I begged.

He gave a filthy chuckle. His fingers hooked a little, finding just the right spot and I cried out. God, how is he doing this? Did they teach this at Rogue School? Advanced Female Pleasure 101? I was completely at his mercy: writhing on the bed as the pleasure took hold of me, my legs locked so tight around his arm that he could barely move it. “Yes!” I hissed in a voice that didn’t sound like mine. “Gabriel, yes! Please!”

His fingers moved faster, circling and twisting: he’d done a deal with the devil to grant him magic fingers, that was the only explanation. But I didn’t care: I was bucking and thrashing, my head levering back against the bed until my chin pointed at the ceiling. I was dimly aware of him reaching up with this other hand and doing something with my hair and it felt good. Then the pleasure was carrying me up and up, unstoppable. All those waves of pleasure that he’d built up and let slip away were suddenly back, stacking on top of each other to make one thundering tsunami. My shoulders and heels dug hard into the bed and my back arched like a bow. “Gabriel, yes!”

The hand that had been in my hair slid down my body and rubbed at a nipple. At the same time, his fingers hooked inside me, his thumb circled my clit and—

A solid wall of pure pink pleasure, crackling with silver energy, slammed into me and carried me with it. The room disappeared behind flaring, brilliant stars and I full-on screamed, it felt so good. I’d never been loud during sex but then I’d never felt anything like that: the pleasure was too much to be released any other way. My head tossed back and forth as I rode the waves and now I knew what he’d done to my hair: he’d unpinned it. As I thrashed around, I could feel it gradually unwinding, spreading out into a dark cloud, and it felt freeing.

I finally fell back onto the bed, my throat and chest aching and my whole body weak and shaky. Wow. I stared up into the darkness. I couldn’t see anything, but I knew for sure that Gabriel was giving me one of those wicked grins. The echo of my scream still throbbed in my ears. “Do you think anyone heard that?” I whispered.

He kissed me. “I think they heard that back in Arizona.”

I felt my face going scarlet. But the crushing feeling of embarrassment that normally went with it never arrived. Something had changed inside me. I felt as if I’d been laced into a super-tight corset for years, and Gabriel had just cut through its bindings.

Gabriel nudged my legs apart and settled himself between them. Then there was a rustle of fabric and I realized he was pushing his pants down. A moment later, I felt his cock brush my leg, hot and heavy and big. A mental image popped into my mind: him standing naked in the infirmary. I swallowed.

The sound of foil tearing, then the rubber stretching sound of a condom going on. Gabriel moved in closer. I inhaled slowly at the feel of him there, the muscles of his hips like warm rock as they spread my thighs. The head of his cock brushed my sopping folds. He reached up and stroked one of my breasts and then I gasped as he eased himself into me.

It was amazing, indescribable. The feeling of being slowly penetrated, without being able to see a thing. The darkness made every sensation more intense: I felt every hard millimeter, every vein as he filled me, stretched me. I couldn’t see how much more there was to go and that made it feel thrillingly endless. I felt his elbows press into the bed on either side of me and then he took both my breasts in his hands, gently rubbing my nipples as he sank deeper and deeper. As he rooted himself, I groaned and hugged him to me, hands roving over the hard muscles of his back.

He began to thrust and I hissed, eyes screwing shut at how good it felt, each slow push compressing the growing heat in my core. He was as good at this as he was with his hands, taking me towards my peak but then slowing, so that I didn’t quite crest it. My hands roamed lower, finding the hard curves of his ass and pulling him into me: God, what’s happened to me? I’d never been confident in bed. Maybe it was the darkness or maybe it was him, setting me free.
