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“Give me a second.” He strode into his walk-in closet and returned with a hunter-green dress shirt. “You can tie the ends of the bottom of this together and roll up the sleeves. Trust me, you’ll look hot as fuck in it.”

“That just might work,” I agreed, staring at his butt as he left the room.

When I padded into the kitchen after my shower, Rigby’s eyes widened. He raked his fingers through his hair and grumbled, “I was right about how good you’d look in my shirt. Too fucking hot to be on a college campus with a bunch of assholes who’ll try to stare at your tits all day.”

“It’s a good thing you’re the only asshole I see,” I quipped with a grin.

“I better be,” he grunted.

My stomach let out a loud growl when the scent of bacon hit my nostrils, and Rigby dished the food out for us. I wasn’t normally a big breakfast eater, but we’d worked off dinner in the bedroom, and I’d only munched on some snacks while I waited for him yesterday.

“Mmm, delicious,” I murmured as I pushed my empty plate away after devouring the scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, and bacon he’d made.

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Rigby got to his feet and started collecting the dishes to bring them over to the sink.

I followed with our glasses. Once everything was cleaned up, we headed to his truck so he could drive me to campus.

“Do you need anything from your dorm for your class?” he asked when we were a block away from Tisch.

“Nope.” I lifted my purse and jiggled it. “Luckily, I have my drawing tablet, and my textbook is accessible on my phone, so I’ll be fine for today.”

He pulled up at the curb in front of the building and put the truck in park. Before he could climb out to open my door, I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. “I’m good. No need to get out and risk having a cop pull up, wanting to give you a ticket or something.”

“Okay, baby.” He fisted my hair at the back of my head and claimed my mouth in a deep kiss that left me breathless. “Have a good class. See you tonight.”

“Uh-huh,” I breathed before stumbling out of the vehicle in a sensual fog.

Three girls I was friendly with—but not super close to—waited for me on the sidewalk after Rigby’s truck pulled away. Maria stepped forward, her lips curved into a smirk. “Please tell me you’re a sneaky bitch who’s been dating Gustavo Duarte all this time without telling us.”

Ana’s nose wrinkled as she shook her head. “I don’t know. I’ve been watching Dias de Amor no Rio for years, and that guy looked way too big to be Gustavo.”

Stephanie nodded. “Yeah, and I’ve always pictured him driving something slicker than that, like a sports car of some kind. But maybe he’s just different in real life from the character he plays on the show.”

I rolled my eyes with a deep sigh. “You can’t believe even half of what you read online.”

“Except it wasn’t just on the internet,” Maria retorted. Slinging her backpack off her shoulder, she unzipped it to pull out a copy of the New York Post. “Your picture made it into Page Six, too.”

“I don’t know what to tell you.” My fingers itched to yank the paper out of her hands and rip it to shreds after all the trouble those photos caused between Rigby and me. “Whoever wrote that article didn’t bother to do any fact checking because I was just a seat filler at the event.”

Ana crossed her arms over her ample chest. “Then who was that guy? You’ve never talked about dating anyone before, and suddenly some dude is dropping you off on campus right after all this is happening.”

“It’s kind of hard to believe that’s just a coincidence,” Stephanie agreed.

“There is a guy in my life, but it’s not Gustavo,” I reluctantly admitted. “And that’s all I have to say right now because it’s very new. I don’t want to mess things up with him just as they’ve gotten started.”

All three of them still looked skeptical, but I didn’t owe them—or anyone else—an explanation about what was going on. My private life wasn’t their business…no matter how many inaccurate articles were written about me.



“Yo, Rigby, what’s up with you?” Dempsey asked as he knocked his shoulder into mine.

“What do you mean?” I growled, irritated because I already knew what he was referring to.

“I’ve never seen you so distracted at practice.”

He wasn’t wrong. I was distracted thinking about how much it had bothered me to drop my girl off at school this morning. I didn’t like knowing she’d be headed back to her dorm after classes. I wanted Cleo in my space permanently and was determined to make that happen as soon as possible. So while running plays, I’d been running scenarios on how to get her moved in with me immediately. And replaying the night before.
