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I glanced at Dempsey with one corner of my mouth kicked up. “I took my own advice.”

Dempsey’s brow furrowed as he tried to puzzle out what I meant.

I chuckled, and when the sound made his expression morph into utter shock, I laughed even harder, which drew the attention of most of my teammates. Did I truly laugh that rarely? I supposed it wasn’t surprising, considering I hadn’t had Cleo to bring sunshine into my life.

“I figured out what I really wanted and made it happen.”

The words sparked Dempsey’s memories of our conversation from the day before.

Stunned, he asked, “You’re getting married?”

“Not today. But sooner rather than later,” I confirmed. “I found my woman and claimed her. No fucking way am I letting her go.”

I was taken aback by the envious gleam in Dempsey’s eyes and cut my head to the side. “What about you?”

He shrugged and cupped the back of his neck. “I’m working on it.”

“Don’t take no for an answer,” I told him before I made my way to my locker and gathered up my things for a shower. The other reason I’d been so distracted was from excitement. Tonight would be my first real date with Cleo.

I hurried to get ready, then once I was in my truck, I sent a quick text to Cleo.

Me: Bring an overnight bag.

The little dots jumped for only half a second before her reply came through.

Cleo: That’s awfully presumptuous, Mr. Hunt.

I smirked as I typed my reply.

Me: Be ready with a bag when I get there, baby. Or I’ll come in and pack one myself.

Before she could reply, I shot off another message.

Me: Then again, if you don’t bring any clothes, that’s fine with me. You won’t need them.

Cleo: You’d let me leave the house naked??

She sent it with a laughing emoji.

Me: Hell to the motherfucking no! You can wear something of mine again.

Cleo sent back a heart, and I grinned as I put my truck into drive and headed out to pick up my girl.

She waited for me at the end of the sidewalk when I pulled up, and she jumped into the vehicle, tossing her bag over the seat before I could open her door.

I frowned at her. “I get that you’re a gorgeous, powerful woman, but give the Midwestern boy in me a break and let me at least open your car door.”

Cleo looked contrite when she responded, “The girls in my dorm are really nosy. I didn’t want you to have to deal with the game of twenty inappropriate questions.”

In a rare moment of insecurity, I asked, “Are you ashamed to be seen with me?”

Cleo shook her head jerkily. “Oh no!” Then she blushed hard as she admitted, “I’m just not ready to share you.”

A giant smile spread across my face, and I grabbed her around the back of the neck and pulled her toward me so I could take her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.

By the time we separated, I was sorely tempted to simply take her back to my place and have my wicked way with her. However, I wanted to be able to tell our kids that we dated, which meant taking her out at least once. Besides, the thought of spending time with Cleo out of the bedroom was just as appealing as in it.

I turned in my seat to face forward, keeping my eyes straight ahead because I knew I would lose my resolve if I saw her kiss-swollen lips and hazy bedroom eyes.

That didn’t mean I didn’t break a few speed records getting us to the restaurant. The sooner the date started, the faster it would end.

I brought her to a small Italian place frequented by celebrities because they were discreet and private. And by private, I meant that the host led us to a booth surrounded by big dark curtains. It was round, so I helped Cleo get situated and slid in right after her so we sat side by side.

Cleo looked at me curiously when the host drew the curtains shut, and I smirked. “Not ready to share you either, baby.”

Her cheeks turned pink, and her lips curved into a pleased smile.

The server appeared and took our drink orders, then left us alone. I relaxed against the seat and curled my arm around Cleo’s waist, pulling her into my side.

I waited until she dropped her head back to look up at me before rubbing my nose against hers and whispering, “I missed you today.”

She flushed and melted into my side with a dreamy smile. “I missed you, too. How was practice?”

Before I could answer, the server returned with our drinks and took our food order. Once he walked away, we resumed our conversation. I regaled her with stories about my teammates, and she told me about her classes. Talking to her was easy and comfortable as if we’d known each other all our lives.
