Page 106 of The Bachelor

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“Come in,” I yelled, and I flipped through the top couple of sheets, reading some of the data I needed to memorize. “Yes?” I asked whoever was standing there without looking to see who it was.


That voice.

The softness of it.

I glanced up, and Oaklyn was smiling in my doorway.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?”

She laughed, her cheeks turning a color that looked fucking amazing on her. “I’m having lunch with your sister. She’s still in a meeting, so I thought I’d come in and say hi.” She glanced around the space. “I’ve never been in your office.”

“Make yourself comfortable.” I opened my arms, hoping she’d rush in and fall into them. To be extra cautious, I growled, “But lock the door first.”

She didn’t move. “I think we both know that’s a bad idea.” She gripped the frame of the door as though she needed to stop herself from entering. “But I think a good idea would be to have dinner at my place tonight.”


She nodded, tucking a long piece of hair behind her ear, showing an earlobe that I was dying to bite. “I’m cooking.”

“Say no more.”

“Is that the only reason you’re coming over? To eat more of my food?”

That dress and the way it fit her body—fuck me—it was just the sight I needed to get me through the rest of the day.

I kept my voice low when I replied, “I’m coming over because I can’t stay the hell away from you.” I linked my fingers together, my hard-on pressing against my suit pants, threatening to burst right through the seam. “You’re all I’ve thought about all morning. And being with you tonight is going to be the best thing that’s happened to me all day.”

Her teeth were on her lip, grazing back and forth. “Then, I’ll see you tonight.” Her fingers released the frame, and she gave me a quick wave before she was gone.

The view of my empty doorway now was almost painful to look at.

But that spot was quickly filled just a second later by Declan. He glanced from me to the hallway, where I imagined Oaklyn was walking, before he looked at me again, making his way into my office, chuckling as he took a seat in front of my desk.

“Visiting you at work, I see.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “She’s having lunch with my sister. But one day soon, she’ll be coming here just for me.”

Declan nodded. “Sounds like things are moving in the right direction, and that goddamn smile on your face confirms it.”

“They’re definitely moving.” It didn’t matter how hard I pushed on my chest; the feeling inside of it wouldn’t go away. These sparks, shit, they were relentless. “There’s just a giant elephant standing between us.”

“You’ll handle that when the time is right.”

I sighed. “That’s what I’ve been telling myself.” I adjusted my tie, the feel of it almost choking me, before I rested my arms on my desk. “Things are good just how they are. But eventually, we’re going to leave my condo or hers, and I just fucking know we’ll run into one of my family members, and the secret will be out.”

“Here’s a tip, brother: don’t let that happen. Tell her before she hears it from someone else. That’ll fuel a beast in her that you don’t want to fuck with.”



Iopened the door to my apartment, where Camden stood on the other side, his arms stretched high on the doorframe, showing biceps that were bulging and a stare that wasn’t just hungry, but also feral.

“Oaklyn,” he grunted.

That stare didn’t just lock with my eyes; it moved up and down my body.
