Page 55 of Soulmates

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“Fuck what your body can or can’t do. You can still be a mom. This doesn’t keep you from having children.”

“I don’t know how to tell my family.” I stared down at my ice cream. “I don’t want to see their pain or their disappointment. And even if they don’t say anything to me, I know that’s how they’ll feel.”

After a long minute of silence, Shawn spoke again. “Do you want to talk about what happened last weekend? I know Sam followed you out of the party.”

“There isn’t really anything to say.”

“What’s going on with you two?”

“Nothing. He doesn’t want me.”

“That’s bullshit, and anyone with eyes can see it. He most definitely wants you.”

“It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t date, and he’ll never give me a future. All he can give me is confusion and pain.”

Shawn sighed. “I asked Thomas about him.”

I jerked my head up. “What?”

“Relax. I didn’t say anything about you specifically. Though Thomas does have eyes, so I think he may have his suspicions.”

“What did he say?” A part of me wanted to pretend I didn’t care, but I was too curious to play games. Thomas had been in Sam’s alcove at Youngblood. Were they close enough that Thomas knew Sam’s secret to eternal youth?

“Not much. Said he’s known Sam for a long time. He’s been close to the Torres family since he was a teenager. They helped him get on his feet after he lost his mom and younger brother.”

“Oh.” I’d had no idea Thomas had lost his family. Then again, I knew very little about anyone who worked at Youngblood other than Gayle. And I didn’t even know much about her.

“Look, I know you and Sam have your issues, but the people who work with him and for his family like and respect him. I think he’s a good person.”

“I agree. I just also think he’s an honest person who means it when he tells me that he’s never going to date or marry or have children.”

Shawn nodded. “That’s fair.”

“Okay, enough about me and Sam. Let’s talk about you. How was your first week of school? And what’s the story between you and Thomas?”

We talked about Shawn’s love life and career while licking at our ice cream, and I was finally starting to feel almost normal when Shawn’s phone rang.

Thomas’s face flashed on the screen, and a smile lit up Shawn’s face. “Do you—?”

“Answer the phone.” I was feeling pretty crappy about calling Thomas a cradle robber even if it was only in my head. It was obvious he made Shawn happy, the kind of happy that my parents made each other. They were still in the honeymoon phase, but Shawn and Thomas seemed like they might actually stand a chance of lasting.

“Hey, you.” It took a fraction of a second for Shawn’s expression to change. All the blood drained from his face. “What happened?” he snapped, already standing and dumping what was left of his food in the trash.

I followed him without bothering to ask questions.

“Is he…?” Shawn’s voice cracked. He listened to the voice on the other side of the phone, which I was starting to suspect didnotbelong to Thomas. We were both in Shawn’s Honda when he said, “I’m on my way” and punched the End Call button.

“What happened?” I whispered as Shawn gunned it out of the parking space.

“Thomas was in an accident. Sam said it’s not serious, but I need to get there. I’ll drop you off first. I’m sorry for cutting our date short.”

“Don’t apologize.” I placed my hand on his arm. “You need to be there. Text me if you get the chance and let me know how he’s doing, okay?”

When Shawn pulled to a stop in the middle of the street in front of my house, I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Call me if you need anything at all.”

He nodded stiffly.

I climbed out and watched his car speed away.Please let Thomas be okay,I prayed as Shawn disappeared from sight. And I’d thought today couldn’t get any worse.
