Page 24 of A Howl in One

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They comforted Tao and each other for about an hour, all having a glass or two of beer to calm the rage and nerves inside them. Tao was the most vocal Eliana had seen him be in a very long time, if ever. He spoke about how much he loved Phil, as well as Eliana’s father. Eliana felt numb. The rage began to fade, but it was replaced by grief.

Eventually, they decided to call it a night and regroup in the morning. Tao was staying with his family, and Lucas and Eliana sent him home. Eliana said she would drop Lucas off at the resort.

Eliana played with the keys in her hands while standing on the porch, looking off into the dark aimlessly. Lucas came to her, touching the wrist where the keys were jingling.

“I am going to walk this off. You don’t have to drive me. That would be too tempting.”

The majority of the island was asleep. Lucas fit in flawlessly with it all.

She shook her head, smiling smugly at Lucas.

“That’s stupid. It’s only two in the morning. I can rest until tomorrow.”

“I’m not saying that. I’m saying maybe I need to walk off my emotions. And you have been drinking too. I can’t risk letting you get hurt.”

Eliana pursed her lips combatively, and he only smiled at her. God, that smile could resolve wars. She continued to play with her keys as she sighed. Her own home wasn’t far from the restaurant. It was definitely safer not to drive. Her mother would be furious.

“I hate to admit it, but you’re right,” she said casually.

Lucas walked with her in the dark once she locked up the restaurant. She spoke about her childhood on the island, saying that the whole area was her home and how much of a betrayal it was to have uncovered a secret.

“We don’t have any secrets,” she said, walking up to her door. “The island has been an open book to me since forever. It feels odd.”

Lucas nodded and stood before her. The cicadas hummed between them, and he took a step forward. Eliana’s heart skipped a beat when his warm breath tingled over her lips.

“Phil sounds like a good man. I know this may be a bit out of my area of expertise, but I don’t think this secret should compromise that. He seemed to have loved you all and cherished you deeply.”

Eliana wanted to bridge the gap between them. Maybe it was the beer, or maybe it was unearthed pain. Either way, it was dangerous to let it control her.

“You’re right, Lucas. You’re right.”

He gave her a polite nod, then disappeared into the night. She only lingered outside for a moment before moving inside, her skin feeling electric.



Lucas lay on the bed in his resort room as the world outside began to come alive. He had hardly slept last night after walking Eliana to her home. His mind wouldn’t shut off.

First off, he made the decision not to leave as soon as he had hoped. How could he step away knowing everything they just found out? He couldn’t.

He thought about the letters and all the evidence stating what Garth was planning to do. Clearly, this deranged psycho was out for blood. And he was going to get it one way or another. But Eliana wouldn’t allow this to continue.

His gut told him if he left, Eliana would be hurt. Or worse.

He shook his head, not wanting to imagine that. He couldn’t see Eliana dead.

He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. Then his phone buzzed on the nightstand, and he snatched it up and opened the messaging app. It was a text from Eliana.

Hey, Tao and I are going to the resort to golf.

He scowled at the message. There was way more to what she was saying. From Eliana’s reaction when they spoke about the Tee Off last night, he guessed the two didn’t have plans to play a round of eighteen holes. And it was because of the person who owned it.

There was no way in hell she was going to have a good time. No, she was going to get information and spy. His stomach twisted in knots.

He couldn’t have her sticking her nose where it didn’t belong. If this man killed her uncle, he wasn’t going to stop there. He would gladly take her out as well.

Lucas dressed and was out the door ten minutes after receiving her message. He moved fast, not wanting her to be alone. But Eliana wasn’t alone. She was with Tao.
