Page 28 of A Howl in One

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Lucas narrowed his eyes on Garth, ready to rip his throat out.



Everything had unraveled fairly quickly. Lucas, of course, didn’t blame Eliana; she was acting out of love for her uncle and his legacy. It hurt for everyone to think that her uncle had died of an overdose, having dealt with a drug problem he supposedly kept hidden for some time. She believed wholeheartedly that none of that was true, and judging by the letters and the calmness of Garth, Lucas was seeing the lie.

Garth was a tall, lean shifter who shifted into a wolf just as capable. He grew taller, his fur shooting out of his skin in the shade of shimmering gold. The two bodyguards shifted just as quickly, appearing as two dark storm clouds by his side.

There was no time to think, only to act. Lucas, Tao, and Eliana shifted, their clothing splitting from their bodies like pieces of confetti. Lucas was the most calculated of the three, as he had nothing emotional on the line other than his growing affection for Eliana. He hoped none of that would get in the way.

Eliana was a fierce and feral shifter, going for Garth like an arrow fired at the target. But Garth was far less emotional, easily swiping her away and casting her body into the green of the course. Her body skidded briefly before she shot up again. Lucas heard the bastard in his mind, mocking her, the psychopathic and ghastly laugh of a convincing man.

Stupid woman,he cackled.

Lucas did not want to overstep as he believed that Eliana could certainly take care of herself.

Lucas launched his big body toward one bodyguard while Tao did the same with the other. They charged head-on, each of them colliding with their foe with a loud, audible smack. Lucas nearly head-butted his attacker, narrowly missing his skull by a mere inch. He was able to open his jaw and snap it closed over the loose fur of his enemy close to the nape of the neck, but not close enough.

He thrashed the bodyguard back and forth as the wolf whimpered. Lucas dragged him around, staining the guard’s dark fur with fake grass, then jumped on his weakening body. Lucas could see Tao in his peripheral vision getting the upper hand on his foe; he, too, was on top of him, gnawing at the snout that sat between his drooling gums.

Lucas didn’t want to kill the bodyguards, nor did he want to see an end to Garth either. He couldn’t control whatever it was that Eliana was doing, but he hoped she was rational enough to know that having a murder charge on her hands was only going to make things worse.

He did what he could to subdue and injure the bodyguard, who was no match for the alpha. Lucas sank his teeth into the wrist of the wolf’s paw, then cranked it backward until he heard the snap of the bone. The wolf let out a shrieking howl of pain, and Lucas figured he was good to go.

Lucas left the wolf to whimper, rolling around on the golf green. Tao had his foe by the tail, pulling him around by it like it was a leash. He felt that Tao had the same idea in mind, toying with the wolf enough to keep him distracted. Then, Tao swung the wolf so hard that some of the fur split from his backside. The wolf cried out, and Tao slashed him with his sharp claws, leaving marks on the face of the wolf.

Lucas whipped his head around to Eliana and Garth and was relieved to see both still standing. Well, they were rolling around on the green like two playful pups, except they growled menacingly. Lucas didn’t know what to do, so he stood by Tao, the two of them exchanging thoughts telepathically.

She’s going to kill him.

I know. Just stand by. Just wait.

Both fighting wolves were clearly strong. Neither would let up nor was either able to get the upper hand. They continued to tumble across the ground, down the green, and into a sand trap.

Garth popped up from the tussle as they descended the pit’s slope. Eliana slid to the bottom of the sand trap, going limp for a moment as she caught her breath.

Garth went for her, his teeth exposed like a hundred knives.


Lucas couldn’t control himself. He could not allow her to get hurt if she was his mate, even if his actions would injure her pride later.

Seeing red, he launched his body into Garth’s midair. It was the first time in Lucas’s life that he had acted without thinking it over in his mind a thousand times.

He collided with Garth directly in his gut, shoving him away from Eliana. The two wolves thudded to the green, with Lucas scurrying up faster. He smashed his paws on Garth’s throat, leaning all his weight on the vocal cords.

Garth wriggled around, growling sharply, but Lucas was stronger and younger. He snarled back, the pink of his gums exposed as a clear threat.


Garth continued to wriggle beneath Lucas’s strength, trying to will himself from his grip. The bodyguards had been successfully taken out of the game, whimpering while Tao watched them closely. Garth growled with feral rage, but it only made Lucas press harder against his throat.

If Lucas held his position any longer, he would certainly kill the bastard. He didn’t want that. Not yet, anyway.


Lucas didn’t respond. He simply pressed harder on the supple skin of Garth’s throat, whose breathing sounded haggard.
