Page 31 of Midnight Trials

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“He’s a full-grown alpha, and you know his reputation,” Scott argues, cutting me off. “He works for the council. All he has to do is say you tried to escape and you died when he tried to catch you.”

The darkness around Syn seems to pulse at the accusation, but I don’t take my attention off Scott.

“He won’t do that.”

The surety in my voice seems to take Scott aback, and he scans my face for any sign of uncertainty. He won’t find any, though, because I completely believe what I said.

From the corner of my eye, I see Syn freeze, the darkness surrounding him evaporating like a cloud of mist in the sunlight. He seems just as taken aback as the other male, but he doesn’t speak, as though he’s worried this is all a dream and if he disturbs it, it will disappear.

“How do you know?” Scott insists, scowling, and he shakes his head. “I don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t trust him.”

Smiling up at him, I take his hand in mine, ignoring Syn for a moment. “Then trust me.”

Scott stares at me, really stares at me as though he can see right through to my soul. He wants to stop me, to protect me, which is why I’m not shouting and telling him to back off. I know all of this is coming from a good place. There’s reluctance in his expression. He knows he can’t stop me, and even if he tried, I’d still find a way around it.

Releasing an annoyed grumble, he gently untangles my hand from his and scrubs it over his face. “Fine. If you’re not back in fifteen minutes, I’m coming after you.”

He will too. I see the determination in his eyes. Nodding once in agreement, I give him a small smile then turn to Syn. He’s watching me with a frown, and I sigh internally. He seems like he’s in a great fucking mood today, which bodes well for our conversation. Not bothering with goodbyes, I leave the training room and make my way over to the lifts, knowing Syn will follow me.

With a cheeryding, the lift arrives, and I step inside the small space, which only feels that much smaller when he enters. Syn isn’t one of the largest alphas I’ve met, he’s leaner than many, but his alpha aura is huge, filling the entire space. It makes me want to hold my breath, his scent making me dizzy as the feeling of him surrounds my whole body.

We only travel a couple of floors via the lift, but the journey seems to stretch on for a lifetime, especially with the way he watches me the whole time. He knows what effect he’s having on me, yet he says nothing, staying silent. When we finally arrive at our floor, I practically fall out of the lift in my desperate need for space. Ignoring those in the entrance hall, I hurry outside, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

I feel his dark presence arrive at my side, and when I finally glance over at him, he’s staring out at the park across from the compound. He looks at me, and then he jerks his head to one side, a gesture for me to follow him, and I become aware of the listening ears around us.

We walk together without touching, but we’re within arm’s reach of each other. The tension builds between us as we wait to see who will break and speak first, but Syn has never been one to hold back, so I’m not surprised when he starts speaking just as we reach the park.

“He seemsfondof you.” He says it like it’s a dirty word, and I know he’s speaking about Scott. He sounds jealous, and I don’t know what he wants me to say. According to him, he’s been searching for me since yesterday, andthisis what he has to say? Snorting, I shake my head, keeping my gaze on the park ahead.

“If you came here to pick a fight, I’ll just go back inside,” I warn, my patience stretched to its limit. “What do you want, Syn?”

He falls quiet, and when I look at him, I find a pensive expression on his face. “Did you mean what you said in there? That you trust me?”

The question is soft, and I hear the vulnerability in it, so I should alter what I was going to say, right? He never allows that part of himself to show, yet I can’t coddle him. He’ll see right through any attempt I make to sweeten my words.

Sighing, I look away. “I never said I trusted you. I said that I knew you wouldn’t hurt me.”

I’m suddenly yanked to a halt, his hand on my arm as he spins me around to face him. My wolf protests inside me and demands to be let out. It takes almost all of my concentration, but I manage to soothe her, convincing her that I don’t need her help. When she is finally under control, I meet the alpha’s gaze, letting him see in my expression just how much I hate him pulling me around.

He must have sensed I was close to losing control, as he waits until he’s sure I’m paying attention before he speaks. “It’s the same fucking thing, and you know it,” he hisses. “Answer the damn question.”

I don’t know why this is so important to him, but he’s practically vibrating, so I give in and nod my head. “Yes, I meant it. You won’t voluntarily hurt me.” At least, he wouldn’t hurt me physically, but emotionally… well, that’s a whole different story that I’m not willing to delve into today. If the council ordered him to hurt me, he wouldn’t have a choice. He knows this all too well, and he’s told me how much he hates doing their dirty work.

He stares at me, digesting what I said and probably looking into my words closely. I’ve seen how the werewolf community treats him, so to have someone trust him with their life has obviously shocked him. I don’t give him the opportunity to question me more, though, as I have my own grievance that I need answers to.

“You saved my life and then you ghosted me.”

Wincing, he lets go of my arm and begins walking again. My skin tingles from where he touched me, and now that he’s let go, I mourn the loss of his touch, but I’m not about to let him know that.

“I would have come sooner, but something came up.”

Something about the way he says it makes me pause, and I watch him walk away. It’s then I notice that he’s limping slightly, favouring his right leg. Memories from last night flash in my mind, and I can’t help but remember what dream Syn said, about what he’d done to keep me safe. My pulse jumps and panic rules my actions as I hurry behind him and grab his arm, pulling him to a stop. I’m fully aware that grabbing an alpha when he’s not expecting it could end in disaster, but I’m not thinking properly. I need to know if I’m just being paranoid, or if somehow, my dream was true.

He looks down at where I’m touching him, his expression dark, but he makes no move to shake me off.

“You’re limping. Are you hurt?” My voice is breathy as I watch his face, scanning for any clues or signs that I’m right.

In a flash, his eyes meet mine, and I lose myself in their dark depths. “I didn’t know you cared.” He attempts to brush it off, acting like the cold alpha everyone knows him as. However, when he removes my hand from his arm, he does it gently.
