Page 35 of Midnight Trials

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“I’m so sorry, Joel.”

“He should have been exiled for what he did, but the council said they saw something in him that made him redeemable.” He shakes his head in disbelief, and venom enters his voice. “They offered him a position, and he’s worked for them ever since.”

I’m pretty sure I know why the council offered Syn a position, and that it has to do with his dark, shadowy magic. I’m not even sure that Syn knows he’s using it half the time, and no one else has seemed to notice, but the council has much more knowledge about magic than they should, so it makes sense that they would covet him.

I’m pretty sure I know the answer to this already, but I have to ask. “Have you spoken to him about it? He’s probably grieving too.”

He snorts and shakes his head. “Why would I want to talk to him? He’s the reason my sister is dead. I tried to kill him once, but he’s a good fighter and managed to slip away.” Anger flits across Joel’s face, his jaw clenching tightly. “Heshouldbe grieving,” he hisses through gritted teeth. “He’s not suffered enough.”

I actually think that Syn is suffering a lot, he just doesn’t let anyone see it. He didn’t just lose his mate, but several members of his pack. He was then shunned, stripped of his position as alpha of the pack, and completely alone. He’s had no one to speak to about any of this, and I’m sure if the two of them spoke, Syn could explain what happened. It might help Joel come to terms with his sister’s death.

“Maybe the two of you should speak—”

Before I can get any further, he cuts me off, helping me stand before getting up himself and brushing down his clothes.

“Laelia, I accept that he’s your mate and you need us to get on, but don’t expect me to like him. I’m trying to be a good male here, and a good mate to you, but if he says anything about my sister, I’ll kill him, and this time, I’ll succeed.”

My gut sinks as he speaks, every single word ringing true. He accepted Syn as my mate better than I thought, but whatever hope I had of the two of them getting along is quickly dashed.

Sighing, Joel steps closer and lifts my chin with his finger until our eyes meet. His expression has softened, but I can still feel his aching sense of loss through the bond. He presses a gentle kiss to my lips, and I know he’s trying to reassure me that he’s not angry with me about this. I take what comfort he offers and try to bury the rest of my worries. There’s going to be enough to stress about over the next few days without adding this.

Pulling back, he smiles softly at me and links his hand with mine. “We should go, we shouldn’t be late.”

He’s right, I’m sure the council would find a way to punish me if we were. There’s one important thing I need to clear up before we leave the room though.

Placing my hand on his arm to get his attention, I wait for him to look at me before speaking. “No one else can know.”

He knows I’m talking about Syn without me having to explain. He arches a brow incredulously as he chuckles, but it’s devoid of humour. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”

Tugging me gently forward, he opens the door and holds it for me with a chivalrous gesture. His eyes rove over me as I pass, leaving a hot trail of desire in their wake.

“You look beautiful by the way,” he whispers as he follows me out the door, his chest almost pressed against my back.

The bond preens in my chest, and I allow a small smile as I glance over my shoulder and run my eyes over his outfit for the night. Smart black trousers and a dark blue shirt hug his muscular form, not leaving much to the imagination.

I have to admit I’m pleased that he’s noted my appearance, since I’ve made an effort tonight. Not that he doesn’t usually notice, but this is different. At the last celebration, the opening ball, the council provided me with a dress. Little did I know that I was the only one given that honour, so when I arrived, I looked totally different than everyone else. Tonight,I’vechosen. The council was trying to change others’ opinions of me based on what I was wearing, so I’m taking back that control.

I’m wearing one of my favourite floaty dresses, this one a deep forest green with little golden hearts embroidered across the fabric. It’s light and unrestricting, and paired with leggings should things go south and I need to fight or flee. A sweetheart neckline and small capped sleeves complete the dress. Half of my hair is up and plaited, while the rest is hanging in loose curls. Overall, I feel more likemethan I have since we first arrived here.

When we reach the lobby of the compound, I’m pleasantly surprised to find Scott waiting for us by the door. His hair is freshly washed and combed, and though he’s still wearing his jeans, he’s donned a white shirt and dark green waistcoat for the occasion.

His pupils constrict as he takes in my clothing choice for the evening, looking like a predator who’s just spotted his next meal. Arousal bursts to life within me, and I find that my inner seductress is more than ready to be his snack. Joel snarls quietly in warning as he scents my arousal, snapping me back to reality.

Scott seems to size him up for a moment like he’s actually considering challenging him. I hear Joel’s surprised intake of breath from behind me, but he holds himself back as Scott looks between us. Deciding that the fight isn’t worth it, he shakes his head slightly and gestures towards the door with a wry smile.

“Should we?”

Without a word, Joel leads me towards the door, and the three of us step out into the cool night air. We walk together in companionable silence, but my mind is racing.

I’m so confused by Scott. He keeps showing me this dominant side to him, and sometimes he acts like he can feel the developing connection between us, but then he steps back, putting more distance between us. I don’t think it’s the same situation as Syn, where a bond has been blocked, but more of a situation where he’s not allowing himself to act on his feelings. He was so reluctant to even be my friend that it makes me think he’s still damaged from what his past lover did to him and what happened afterwards.

Why are all the men in my life so complicated? Sighing silently, I try to push all thoughts of friendships and relationships from my mind, needing to be focused for tonight. The council will try anything they think they can get away with, so I have to be wary and watchful the entire night. I know Nicolai won’t be here, because he’s still resting in the healers’ quarters, but Scott and Joel are here, plus my pack, which helps settle my mind. I’m not alone in this. Syn will be around somewhere—in fact, I can feel a slight pull towards the town hall, which I assume is where he is. I don’t know what mask he’ll be wearing tonight, but he’ll be working for the council, so he’ll be acting cold towards me as he usually does in public.

We’re approaching the hall now, and a small group of the other champions wait outside, chatting quietly. Slowing down, I wait for Scott to notice. It doesn’t take him long, shooting me a questioning look over his shoulder and falling back until the three of us are shoulder to shoulder.

“Don’t eat the food until I’ve checked it,” I warn quietly, praying to the goddess that she protects us like she did last time. I doubt the council would use the same tactic twice, but I don’t trust them, so I’d rather be overcautious.

Scott snorts, keeping his gaze straight ahead. “Oh, don’t worry. After last time, I won’t be going anywhere near the food.”
