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I was so relieved when he said he didn’t have a problem with my sisters joining us. If he had objected I don’t know what I would have done. The tone of his letter starts off matter of fact, informative and appreciative, but it is the ending that keeps me reading it over and over.

Being raised Amish and having no access to movies or English books and such, I am naive and thereby could be making more out of this, but his words,I will be a good husband to you in all ways, always. Build a life with me. Please come to me, Sadie,they move around in my head differently. There is something urgent about them. Maybe urgent is not the right word but it is the one that I can define. Again, my knowledge of the outside is limited.

“Can you believe we are doing this?” Hannah asks beside me, her face lit up as we pass buildings and structures we don’t recognize.

“I sure can’t.” Rachel says, reading a book she picked up at the bus station. It does not seem appropriate, but then again we left home to learn what we didn’t know and figure out who we are so who am I to say anything?

“Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving at your destination in ten minutes. At this time we ask that you remain seated and wait for the bus to park in the depot. Thank you for riding with Greyhound.”

Once again I look at the letter and let my mind play a guessing game. I am trying to picture his face. I bet he looks rough, but I sense his eyes are warm. I know his hands will show he is a worker, but I like that. My Daed used to say, “A man’s worth is shown in his hands. If they are worn and scarred he has lived his life as he should. If they show no use and no wear, he has lived his life for sin.”

I don’t know if that last part is true given what our way of life is, but I do believe the first part. A man works using his entire self to provide. “I sure hope he is nice,” Lavinia says, frowning a bit.

“It seems like it,” I tell her, once again looking down at his words on paper. “It was nice of him either way to let you five come with me, no?” She nods in agreement but says nothing else. I look over to Miriam noticing she is quiet, and I start to worry. “Miriam, are you having second thoughts?” She turns her head and shakes it.

“No. Just wondering why none of our ads were chosen.” I also wondered the same thing, but I had mailed mine ahead of theirs by weeks. We did leave a forwarding address with Charlie should they get a response.

Turning, I intend to address Miriam when the driver once again comes over the speaker. “We have arrived passengers. Please be seated until the doors open.” Where I was calm a moment ago, now my stomach is doing rumbles. A number of doubts go through my mind at this final moment, but I know it is too late. I attempt to calm my nerves and say a silent prayer in my head that I haven’t led my sister to damnation, but to a future.

The closer I walk to the door, the more I feel as if I am going to be ill. As the last one off, when I walk down the last stair, my sisters are all lined up to the side. I look around, trying to figure out how I am going to know who is here for us and then it occurs to me that he left me his address. Maybe we have to find our own way. That is when I see him. Well, I assume it is him.

There is a man holding a sign with my name on it. I don't immediately move toward him. I use these moments to take in his appearance. Soak up as much of his outer body as I can. “Is that him?” Ada asks, whispering in my ear.

“I am not sure. It’s either him or someone he sent to pick us up.” I answer back. I guess there is only one way to find out.



I’ve been waiting for my bride for a week, but today is the day. She’s coming in on the five o'clock bus from Ohio. I’m at the bus station, which is the train station in town. I live about five miles outside of Hollow’s Hollow but that’s nothing. I’m pacing. The bus is eight minutes late. Eight. It’s nothing, but the longer it takes to get here, the more I worry. What if something happened to her or her sisters? Six Amish girls, presumably naive girls, traveling almost two hundred miles from home… anything could happen. Disastrous thoughts run rampant through my mind. Thoughts of mangled metal and blood fill my head and I have to shake my head to dispel the thoughts I have.

I’m still pacing when the bus finally pulls to a stop in front of the train depot. The doors open and I wait patiently as passenger after passenger gets off. My gut starts to churn thinking maybe something happened when they don’t get off, immediately. Hell maybe they changed their mind.

Finally after what feels like forever, six girls dressed in a rainbow of solid-colored dresses. They each have a black bonnet on their heads, but their hair hangs free. My research tells me that black bonnets mean a woman is single. All of their tresses are long. All of them are pretty, their body shapes and sizes varied, but none of them call to me like the last one to get off the bus. I am drawn to her. I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

I begin to pray that this is the one that’s mine. This girl is… gorgeous. Beyond gorgeous. She’s short, maybe 5’6 to my 6’4. Her long blonde hair is a bit curly and unruly. She smiles at something one of her sisters says and my heart skips a fucking beat. I can’t stop staring at her. Hell, I don’t want to stop staring at her. Ever. I’m amazed at how quickly my thoughts go from bachelorhood to marriage, but I knew from one letter from her that it was her. No other woman could do this to me. They have tried and they have failed. My cock hardens as I think about getting the chance to make love to her for the rest of my life. Shit, I will myself to stop thinking about her like that because if she’s not mine, it’s going to be awkward as hell later on.

Her tits are huge, way more than a handful, even for my large hands and I fucking love that. She’s slender, but curvy with wide, child bearing hips. I’ve never once thought about having children, but suddenly all I can think about is breeding her. That one, specifically. I shake my head to clear the thought.Seriously, stop thinking about her like that, asshole, at least until you know for sure which one is yours.One of Sadie’s responses was that she’d like to be married immediately. West Virginia has no waiting period. I obtained a marriage license online and picked it up this morning at the Hollow’s Hollow annex of the Kanawha County Clerk’s Office.

“Excuse me? Are you Mr. Sutton?” one of the girls, hopefully not my girl, asks, coming up to me.

“I am, and who might you be?” I ask, taking my hat off and extending my other hand to her.

“I’m Hannah Yoder.” Thank God. She briefly shakes my hand.

“Pleased to meet you Miss Yoder. Care to introduce me to the rest of your sisters?”

“Sure. This is Ada, Rachel, Miriam, and Lavinia,” she says. I shake all of their hands, relieved that none of them are my Sadie.

“Nice to meet you. You must be Sadie?” I ask, moving over to my girl. The one I want. The one I need— when did I start needing anything? When my hands touch hers, something in me changes. A fierce need to protect and love her washes over me. I hear her little gasp and I know she felt something too. I grin at her. The smile she gives me could melt the coldest heart.

“I am. It’s lovely to meet you Mr. Sutton.” She removes her hand from mine, and I mourn the loss of it. I notice the bus driver has gotten off of the bus and opened the luggage compartment on the side of the bus.

“Please call me Jasper. Let’s get your things.”

“We packed light, Jasper. Just the things we couldn’t live without. We will want to buy new clothes as soon as we’ve worked enough to afford it,” Sadie says. Her sweet voice brings back my raging hard on.

“Of course. That makes total sense” I reply. I’ll take care of that for her. For all of them. The least I can do is buy them some western clothes to get started. I’ll take them to the mall in Charleston in the morning. Tomorrow is Saturday and I don’t have much to do. Sadie doesn’t need to work if she doesn’t want to, but I don’t want to stop her from experiencing all this life has to offer.
