Page 89 of Deceitful Vows

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“I thought about it, but I haven’t put in the time.” I also know I can’t do it alone. I need allies to help me make a clean break. And allies will still want something in return.

Popov seems to read my mind. “If you need help,” he says slowly. “You can count on your father’s loyal allies for protection. You completed what your father started, Andrei, and everyone is satisfied with the results.”

I match his gaze. “And what about my men? All my men, including the Karamazovs, the Novikovs, and the Nikitins. Will they face retribution if I don’t remain?”

I dwell on how Kelsey Harper had faith that I would win, and my revenge would set him free. Will it do the same for the rest? I have responsibilities evenifI leave.

“They might, but only if they dare flaunt their tattoos in service of their old masters.” Popov’s mouth tightens and his ever-present grin disappears. “You will no longer be their pakhan, Andrei. I would recommend choosing your successor wisely.”

“It’s Sonya’s birthright,” I answer unconvincingly.

Popov reaches for an engraved brass box on his desk and pulls out a cigar. He doesn’t light it but toys with it in his hand. “Andrei, you are not the first to leave because of a woman. And your wife is brave, amazing, and beautiful. People will not fault you for going. In fact, they’ll probably be jealous of your good fortune.”

Popov leans back in his chair and stares out the window at a scenic view of a perfect blue sky. He sighs. “And envy can be deadly.”


I open the door to my office, and Dmitri stands there with mixed emotions on his face. His scar is redder and more pronounced than usual, an indication of how he must feel. I motion for him to enter, and he sits down in front of my desk without a word.

I gaze down at a building blueprint spread across my desk, then look up. “Sonya will take over when I’m gone.”

His posture stiffens, and anger radiates off him, even though he says nothing but stares straight ahead.

“We have worked together for many years, and you have been my right-hand man. But I must follow the line of succession and keep the Bratva in the family.”

The atmosphere is tense, and I wait for his response. The silence seems to stretch on forever until he speaks.

“What do I get out of this, Andrei?” His voice is cold, with a hint of anger and disappointment in it.

I take a deep breath and look Dmitri in the eyes. “I’m offering you a position as second-in-command. The only difference is that Sonya will be the one in charge. She has her own plans, but you will have your way. I hope you can understand why I’ve made this decision.”

Dmitri sits back in his chair, his expression stoic. After a few moments, he lets out a long sigh.

“Yes, I understand.” His face shifts from anger to acceptance.

I grin, concealing the conflicting emotions I feel. “I’m grateful you understand what I am asking. It isn’t easy, but I need your help if I am to move on.”

Dmitri nods, but something in his gaze makes me pause. Opportunity? Temptation? No. I’ve always trusted him, and he will serve Sonya loyally as he did me and my father.

Standing up, we grasp each other’s hands, knowing this is the end. I make my way to the door, and Dmitri stays behind. The sound of the office door shutting echoes as I step into the main hall. A sense of finality settles over me as I stride toward the front door.

Chapter 53


I enter the waiting room alone. Andrei knew about the appointment because I made it many months ago and watched him put it into his phone. I glance around the room, taking in the details I’ve seen every visit. The pale blue walls, the pictures of smiling babies and families in cheap poster frames, and toys scattered on the floor. The television is on a loud morning show that must appeal to early risers. I feel out of place waiting here.

The receptionist slides back the glass divider and looks directly at me.

“Paige Reyes?” She watches as I hoist myself out of the stiff upholstered chair. “You’re here alone?”

I stop short of rolling my eyes.

“I have my baby with me.” I have never used my married name at the doctor’s office. Maybe it was a forewarning or just luck.

She laughs as if it’s a joke. I guess she chooses to ignore sarcasm. “The doctor will see you, Ms. Reyes. Please wait for the nurse.”

No sooner said than done. The door opens, and the nurse smiles brightly as I head toward the examination room. She checks my vitals efficiently and, thankfully, avoids the small talk. No prying questions about my current home life. She doesn’t know about it and doesn’t pry. With a sigh, I relax while I sit on the exam table.
