Page 33 of A Knotty Bargain

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“I don’t expect you to go buy new things if I’m the one responsible for you needing them. Think of it like being given uniforms for a new job, you just get to pick them out.”

My brow arched as I swung my gaze back to him, that same cocky smirk gracing his lips. I didn’t really like it, but viewing it the way he suggested made me a little less unhappy with the idea.

“Okay, but I’m adding the cost to what I owe you.”

Huffing, he shook his head before leaning in to press his lips to mine. One hand still held my chin while his other rested on my hip, but he kept his grip loose, the kiss slow and sweet. It still stole my breath, and I was left blinking up at him as my heart raced when he pulled away.

“I’ll take you next weekend when we have more time together.”

It was so hard to keep from getting excited about the prospect, and twice as hard to keep myself from responding to his touches as he finished washing me. He was thorough while still being gentle, and he kept peppering whatever part of me he could reach with kisses.

This wasn’t the Leo I’d imagined.

By the time we stepped out of the shower and he’d wrapped me and my hair in fluffy towels, I knew it was going to be impossible to keep from falling for him. He was proving himself to be everything the little girl I’d been had imagined in an alpha.

If only he had a different job, and a different last name, the thought might not be so terrifying.

Chapter Twenty-One


Cadence’s foot tapped to the beat of the music playing below as Roderic went on about something that had happened on a patrol. I didn’t care who had snubbed him, or even that he’d been snubbed at all, but Roderic didn’t seem to realize that.

All I cared about was the omega under my arm, leaning into the heat of my body as she waited for me to dismiss the men. The others didn’t believe that she didn’t listen in on our conversations, but I knew she did her best to tune us out. I’d tested it a few times over the past month she’d spent with me at the club by bringing up things that should have worried her, but her body stayed relaxed, her scent calm, attention elsewhere.

My innocent little Blossom.

She still disliked when I had meetings with the men or our associates, but she’d grown used to it. Anything that happened at the club wasn’t serious, and I only included her if there was no risk of things turning ugly. She’d finally begun to trust that I would never allow her to be involved in anything that would put her in danger.

Cadence had quit her job at the diner, and instead came to spend that time with me. It was only a few hours on weeknights, but I got to have her longer on the weekends when she used to work full shifts at Frankie’s.

Her family wasn’t aware of what was going on, and that was how she wanted to keep it, though I was growing antsy for her to fully accept what was growing between us. She left home at the same time as when she had to go to work, but came to the club instead, though we usually ended up at my penthouse.

She’d insisted that we set an actual number on the amount of time she owed me to pay off what I’d spent on her debts and the shopping trip I’d taken her on, but we both knew it was only to make her feel like she wasn’t spending all this time with me because shewantedto.

As if I wasn’t serious when I said she was mine and I wasn’t letting her go.

Tapping her leg, I motioned for her to stand when those deep brown eyes turned to me. She no longer hesitated when I instructed her to do something, and her submission soothed parts of me I hadn’t known needed it.

The fire that sparked in her eyes showed me she thought she knew what was coming, but I had a few surprises for her tonight.

I didn’t wait for Roderic to finish his story. I stood and wrapped an arm around Cadence, the other alpha’s jaw snapping shut when my gaze landed on him. Even Christos looked bored out of his mind by Roderic’s complaining where he sat on the couch beside someone I considered just as much a friend as my enforcer.

“Enjoy your night gentlemen, we’ve got other things to attend to.”

We passed Madame on one of the couches against the wall, her pets on the floor in front of her while she directed one to stroke the other’s cock as she held his hands behind his head. Other than petting, she never touched her pets in public, but the things she had them get up to together could be quite imaginative, and she had a little crowd watching their performance.

Cadence sucked in a quick breath when she noticed, jerking her head away from the collared betas, but I didn’t miss the way her gaze lingered on the pair from the corner of her eyes, or the way her scent suddenly spiked with sweetness. The sight of others performing sexual acts wasn’t an unusual one on the balcony, and while she always flushed and looked away when she saw couples, or more, enjoying each other, I knew she was aroused by it as well, and I wanted to try something new with my little omega.

I lead her to the couch in the far corner, turning and pulling her into my lap as I sat down. Her brows rose as she looked at me, though she didn’t voice the question I saw on her face.

Leaning forward, I nuzzled her neck before running my lips up to her ear. She still hadn’t gone into heat despite the attention I’d lavished on her over the past month, but her scent was deepening and starting to hint that it was coming, and I couldn’t wait. She still tried to pretend we only had a bargain for as long as it took me to tire of her, but I knew she was aware I wanted more.

“I think it’s time to try something new.”

The subtle tensing of her muscles told me we were edging toward the line where her trust frayed, but I hoped she’d give me the chance to show her she might enjoy what I had planned. I’d expanded her knowledge of carnal acts, but there was still so much to show her.

Reaching around her back, I gripped the thigh not pressed against my stomach, giving it a firm pull to turn her until her spine rested against my chest. Purring to help fight the anxiety I knew she was starting to feel, I hooked her knees over the outside of mine, leaving her spread wide, facing the open balcony and the couches in between.
