Page 37 of A Knotty Bargain

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She hummed and shot another look over her shoulder before snapping her eyes back to me. Her cheeks were pink, pupils dilated, and her tongue slipped out to lick her plush lips before she responded.

“I think so.”

She dropped her gaze as she straightened her tank top, reaching beneath it to adjust the built-in bra. I took hold of her chin with my free hand and made her look at me again.

“Is there something you’d like to share about this experience?”

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, shaking her head the tiny bit my hold allowed. I’d been working on getting her to open up to me, but she still tried to hide when she was uncomfortable or embarrassed.

“Did you enjoy having others watch while I stretched you?”

The flush on her cheeks grew darker, her core tensing around my knot and making me want to snarl with pleasure as she wrung more cum from my balls. Her eyes darted to the side again before she tried to give a small nod, and I fought to hide my grin.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”

Her lips pursed and her pretty eyes were narrowed when she looked at me again.


She hissed the word, and I let my smile spread, strengthening my purr.

“Yes, what?”

Rolling her eyes, she sucked in a deep breath and sighed. Dropping my hand from the back of her neck and ending my purr, I swatted her ass for the bratty behavior, just enough to sting. She tensed and jerked forward, pulling on my knot, and we both groaned as I sprayed another jet of seed into her channel.

“Yes, I enjoyed it. But…”

She trailed off, chewing on her bottom lip again, and my smile melted away. I released her chin to slide my fingers into her hair, stroking her cheek with my thumb. I wanted her to trust me with her feelings, and she was getting better at not keeping them bottled up.

“You can tell me. I’m not going to be upset with you for being honest and telling me how you feel about something.”

Cadence seemed to search my face for a moment before blowing out a breath.

“I—I enjoyed this, but it’s not something I’d want to repeat very often. I prefer just you and me.”

Smiling again, I resumed my purr, loud enough to block out the sounds of the others around us. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her to my chest and tucked her face into my neck where she could scent me.

“That’s perfectly fine, my sweet Blossom. I don’t want to share these moments very often either. I like keeping you all to myself.”

She huffed against my neck, her slim arms creeping around me. While we were physical every time we were together, it was rare for her to show any signs of affection, and I savored the moment. I wanted her to be open with me, so I was trying to be open with her as well.

“I enjoy it when you snuggle with me and pretend that you like me.”

Her snort was barely audible, but I felt the soft brush of her lips against my neck before her quiet purr joined mine.

I wanted more moments like this. A lifetime of moments like this.

And I’d do whatever it took to convince her.

It wasn’t long before my knot softened enough for her to pull off of me, adjusting her panties and tugging her skirt down as soon as she stood. Her cheeks flushed red again at the mess on my slacks, but I didn’t care about stains. It just meant I needed to go to my office and change before the second half of our evening began, and I knew Cadence would feel better with a change of clothes as well.

My father still insisted on meeting Cadence, so I’d planned a late family dinner. I figured it would be easier on Cadence to meet him again in a more comfortable setting than his office, and having my mother and sister there would help temper him as well. He kept business dealings away from them the same way I was keeping Cadence away from it, and hopefully meeting all of them would show her how serious I was about us.

She didn’t know we were going to my parent’s home instead of my place, because I wasn’t sure she’d cooperate if I told her before we got there. It had to happen, and I couldn’t keep avoiding it, but telling her beforehand would only lead to problems.

Cadence worried too much.

I found it amusing that she was more nervous being around the men who worked for me and would never say a word about us, than she was being seen by strangers in the club. As an unclaimed omega she should be scared of being alone with an alpha like me, but without having her first heat, she had a modicum of protection.
