Page 38 of A Knotty Bargain

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Though I could always keep her locked away until it came if I really wanted to, and I wouldn’t be the first to do something like that.

Cadence practically vibrated with excitement at the prospect of leaving the club each night, and while she still tried to pretend we weren’t serious, she was an eager and passionate lover now that I’d awakened that side of her. Even though I’d just been buried in her cunt, she still seemed eager to go home with me.

She was going to be disappointed if she wanted more, but I had to show her this draw between us wasn’t all about the sex.

We both went into the back to get cleaned up. I always had an extra suit in the office in case something happened, and Cadence had insisted I add a stash of her panties and a couple bottoms for her as well since we tended to make a mess of hers while we were here. I liked knowing the fabric between her legs was soaked with my cum, but tonight it would be better for her to be comfortable.

Once we were cleaned up we made our way through the halls to the back door, stepping out onto the metal staircase going down the side of the building. The guard I had posted nodded at our exit, reassuring me all was clear.

I held the car door open for Cadence to slip inside once we’d walked down the stairs, then leaned over to buckle the seatbelt for her. Those brown eyes that stirred all my instincts gazed at me with an unreadable expression until I cupped her cheek and pressed my lips to hers.

My obsession with her had only grown stronger the more time we spent together, and I hated every moment we were apart. Even when we were together, I still wanted her closer. It was hard to keep my hands and lips to myself during the time I had her since it was so restricted.

I wanted her all the time, forever.

Coming around the car, I took my place behind the wheel and started the engine. While it was normal for us to ride in silence to my penthouse, I saw her fidgeting in her seat from the corner of my eye, so I knew something was on her mind. Instead of pressing, I waited and let her speak when she was ready.

“Leo?” she asked as I edged the car out of the alley where I parked, taking the turn onto the main street beside the club.

Her voice was hesitant, not the easy, confident tone I’d come to know when we were alone, and I wished she’d spoken when we were inside or before I’d started driving, so I could give her my full attention instead of having to split it between her and the road.

“Yes, my sweet Blossom?”

Her cheeks flushed as she ducked her head, and my brows rose. Using the nickname Madame had given her had started out as a tease after we’d come across Madame with her pets the first time, but it had stuck and grown to mean so much more.

Cadence was still a sweet, innocent soul, even after being corrupted by me for the past month, but she was exploring her sexuality, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. She was blossoming into the omega she was meant to be, and just the thought of what she’d be like once she’d grown into who she was left me breathless with anticipation.

I’d barely gotten her into my office that night before she’d dropped to her knees and sucked me off after watching Madame handle her men. Dominance excited her, and I had no reservations about taking advantage of it.

“Leo, I think… Where are we going?”

I’d hoped she wouldn’t notice as I turned on a different street, but Cadence was sharp. She was looking around, spine growing ridged as we got closer to our destination and she recognized the gates of my father’s property.

“I’m bringing you home to meet the parents. I made arrangements to have a late dinner with them tonight.”

I gave her a cheeky grin as her wide eyes locked on my face. Her skin had gone pale, and she wrapped her arms around her middle, shaking her head as her scent spiked with sour anxiety.

“No, Leo. We were keeping this quiet, remember? This is just… I can’t…”

She was panting, and I took her hand in mine, purring as I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. Once I pulled to a stop in front of the house I’d grown up in, I cupped her cheek with the other and pulled her closer.

Cadence nuzzled my palm, closing her eyes and sucking in a deep breath, using me to calm her fear despite the fact that I was the cause of it. Her trust and willingness to forgive still stole my breath, her perfection a shining light in a world that was usually dim.

“I want you to meet my family, Cadence. I know you still think all this has just been part of the bargain we made for you to pay me back, and that once day I’ll grow tired of you, but I’ve told you I want you to be mine, and I’m serious. I want you to be my wife. Mymate. I want you to see that we’re justnormal people,and you can still have the life you want with me.I want to prove I can protect and provide for you, by showing you that my mother and sister have been kept safe.

“And then, maybe you’ll consider allowing me to claim you when your heat comes.”

We had done a lot of talking in the time we’d spent together over the past month, especially since there wasn’t much else to do when she was locked on my knot, and I always wanted her locked on my knot. I’d learned how heavily she leaned on the termnormal.

The average person who worked a nine to five and didn’t struggle for everything they had was what she considered normal.Normalwas her goal, and I wouldn’t burst her bubble by telling her no one truly was. We all had our issues.

Her snort of derision brought a smile to my face as she rolled her eyes and looked around.

“No one with gates and guards around their home isnormal,Leo.”

I watched her pulse fluttering in her neck, her scent heavy with anxiety, but she gave me a small smile when her eyes returned to mine. The time I’d spent with her since we’d made our bargain had only cemented the fact that I could never let her go, but I was still working to bring her around to the inevitable. As scary as my father may seem to her, she needed to meet my family and realize I was serious about our future together. I could be patient about meeting her mother and Michael, but I was working against a deadline.

“It’s just dinner. I want you to see that I’m serious about you, Cadence. You’re not just some omega I’m infatuated with. I will never have my fill of you.”
