Page 48 of Blade's Boo

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“Well, if you change your mind, just let one of us know,” Sniper said as he slapped me on the back. I noticed he had a bottle of whiskey in front of him. I gestured to it. He wasn’t usually a big drinker. Mostly he stuck to beer.

“You’re hitting the hard stuff. Does Lala and the baby have anything to do with it?”

He nodded. “Yeah, they do. I went to the hospital and gave them my sample. All of us did. It seems the only Iron Punisher who hooked up with her around then was Spawn. He came down earlier and had his done too. We should know in three to five business days, they said. I don’t know why it takes so damn long. I think I’ll go nuts before I find out. Is it wrong to pray it’s none of us or Spawn, just some random guy in town?”

“No, I don’t think it is. Do you not see yourself with kids some day or just not one with her?”

“I think I do want them one day, with the right woman, like the ones you all have. If this baby is mine, I’ll love it no matter what. I’ll do my damndest to give it the best life and to keep its crazy ass mother away. Won’t that be a treat for some woman? Me and a kid, instant family, that’s attractive.”

“If she’s the right one, then yes, it will be. You know that if this baby belongs to any of you, the whole club will help raise it. The poor kid will have more aunts and uncles than they can count. Don’t give up hope. What’s to be is to be.”

“You’re right. Okay, enough of me, go get your shower. You stink. No wonder Cassia kicked you out of her room,” he teased.

I punched him in the arm which made him laugh then I headed to the apartment. All in all, by the time I got on the road back to the hospital, a little over an hour had passed. I was doing good. While I showered, the guys had found me leftovers and had them warm and ready to eat. I’d wolfed those down and thanked them before I left. I was still driving the SUV, since I’d need it to bring her home tomorrow.

As I walked into the hospital and got on the elevator, I heard the overhead speaker announce they had a code gray. I wondered what that meant. The elevator stopped on the floor below Cassia’s and the door opened to admit a couple of security guards. They looked frazzled. They looked at me.

“Bad night, guys. Anything I can help you with?” I offered.

“No, just make sure if you see a blonde running around here in a hospital gown, talking crazy, you report it immediately,” one of them mumbled. I didn’t get a chance to ask them anything else before the door opened to Cassia’s floor and I had to get off. They stayed on the elevator and continued up.

A woman in a gown talking crazy. Wonder who she was and what had her on the loose. Probably a confused patient who wandered away from her room. I bet that happened a lot around here.

Passing the nurses’ station, I paused to ask the one sitting at the desk if there was anything new about Cassia. Had they run any of those tests? As she took her time checking her computer and I impatiently waited, I discovered her staring at me. I’ve had enough women flirt with me and give me the come-on vibe to know she was interested. Was she the one Cassia had mentioned? I didn’t know or care. She held no interest for me, so I acted like I was clueless about her attempts to engage me and flirt. Finally, she gave up and told me that my woman had been resting quietly since I left and they’d left her alone so she could. They would be up shortly to get her for an MRI.

I entered her darkened room. I saw a faint outline of her in the bed. I tiptoed over to the bed. As I got closer, I saw an outline of a large shadow slouched in the chair by her bed. Who’d come to sit with her I wonder? As I got closer, the shadow jumped up and came running at me. I put out my hands to stop whoever it was. I grabbed onto slender arms, which told me I was holding a woman. As soon as I touched her, she shrieked. “Blade, I knew you’d come. Why is she here? I won’t let her take my baby. She can’t have it. It’s our baby. Tell her to stay away or I’ll make her.”

It was Lala’s voice. Her yelling woke up Cassia, who turned on her bedside light. It revealed Lala in her hospital gown. Her hair was wild and her eyes were crazed. She was now glaring at Cassia, who looked shocked to see her. I saw her hand creep toward the call button. I distracted Lala. I had no idea how dangerous she was, but there was no way she’d get her hands on Cassia. Thank God I got here before she did something to her. How the fuck did she get in here in the first place?

“Lala, look at me. Why did you come here? How did you know she was here?”

“I heard Savage tell one of the nurses, if she needed one of you, that you’d be down on this floor, in this room with her. I knew I had to come here. It took me a while to get away from them. Why are they keeping me here, Blade? I want to go home. Take me home. I want to stay with you at the clubhouse. We need to start talking about a nursery for the baby. Do you want a boy or a girl?”

She was chatting excitedly. No one had answered Cassia’s ring. I’d have to figure out how to get her out of here and get the staff to take her back to her room myself. I tried to move her toward the door. I wanted distance between her and Cassia. She did move a couple of feet as she followed me. What stopped her from coming with me further was the door opening and a nurse walking in.

“How may I…”

She stopped talking when she caught sight of Lala. Her appearance was enough to cue this nurse into who she must be. She froze. Lala tried to lunge at her. I grabbed her tighter and hung onto her. She fought to get away.

“Go. Run and get help,” I shouted to the nurse. This got her feet moving and she darted out the door.

Lala scratched, pounded and kicked me trying to get away. She even tried to bite me, but I was able to get her turned around and wrapped up in my arms, so she couldn’t do it. She was shrieking in anger. Cassia shifted in the bed, snagging her attention.

“You! It’s all your fault. You had them put me here, so you could steal Blade. I know why you’re here. You’re trying to have them put my baby inside of you, so you can lie and say it’s his. Well, I’m not going to let you. I’ll kill you before you take our baby and Blade.”

Jesus Christ, she was even more delusional than I thought. To think they were trying to put her baby in Cassia. It wasn’t even possible to do that. Where was security?

“Lala, I’m not after your baby. I’m not. I fell and hurt my head. That’s why I’m here. Blade was just checking on me. All the guys have been taking turns doing it. You know how they are,” Cassia tried to soothe her.

“You’re a lying bitch! I know all about you. Acting like you’re innocent when you really are a first-class bitch. Your husband needs to come find you and take you back to South Dakota. I hope when he does, he punishes you for a long time,” Lala hissed.

It wasn’t a big surprise she knew what Cassia’s background was. People talked and if she was around enough, she’d pick things up.

“You need help, Lala. Think of your baby. It needs you to be healthy. This isn’t good for him or her. Let the doctors and nurses help you,” she pleaded.

“It’s my baby. You don’t tell me what to do with my baby. You’re just trying to steal it. Blade, see what she’s doing. She’s so jealous that I’m having your child and she isn’t, that she’s willing to steal mine. Make her go away. Make her!” she screamed.

At that moment the door came banging open and in came the two security guards from the elevator along with the nurse and another guy in scrubs. I guessed he must be an orderly. He didn’t have on a white lab coat like the doctors wore around here. They came toward us. Lala began to struggle even more. They worked in conjunction to restrain her. It was obvious they’d done this before, especially the orderly. I wondered if he worked on the psych floor.

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