Page 49 of Blade's Boo

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It took them some maneuvering to get her restrained, but they did it. As soon as they did, the nurse pulled out a syringe and injected her with whatever was in it, a sedative most likely. Someone else came through the door pushing a gurney. They got her on it and whisked her away. She was still yelling as they did, begging me to help her. I went to Cassia. She was sitting in the bed not saying a word.

“Baby, are you okay?”

“I think so. I had no idea she was even in here, not until you came in. God, she’s really lost it, hasn’t she? They have to watch her. I’m afraid she might hurt herself and that’ll hurt the baby. How could she think they were going to put her baby inside of me? That’s not even possible.”

“I don’t know. All you need to worry about is getting better so I can take you home. Let me call Terror and tell him what happened. I think we need to have someone guard her room. She got away from them and it’s a secure unit. We don’t want to chance it happening again. Give me a minute.”

She nodded and I got out my phone. Terror answered after a couple of rings. Although it was after midnight and I knew he had to have been in bed asleep, he sounded totally alert. “What’s up, Blade? Is Cassia alright? I heard you came home to shower and eat.” He hadn’t been in the common room when I was, but it didn’t surprise me he knew I had been there. He was our president and he knew everything.

“She’s fine. Hey, I think we need to get someone over here to guard Lala’s room. I came back to find she’d escaped her unit and was sitting in Cassia’s room. She went crazy. They had to restrain her and give her a shot. She was talking even more crazy than she did yesterday. I don’t want her to escape again and this time hurt Cassia. She’s talking about the doctors trying to take her baby and put it in Cassia.” I quickly told him.

He swore. “Son of a bitch! You have to be kidding me. God, okay, let me see who I can round up. I agree. She needs a guard until they decide what they’re going to do with her and Cassia is out of there. I’ll see what Regan can find out from Dr. Kurts. He’ll tell her. I figure Lala is in for a long haul. If so, they can’t keep her there. They’ll transfer her to a long-term place to take care of her. We’ll make sure it’s a good one.”

“Thanks, Pres, I appreciate it. I don’t plan to leave until Cassia does, but if she gets past them again, it’ll be a fight. I don’t want to hurt a woman but I will if it protects mine.”

“Brother, I hear ya and I’d do the same. Get back to Cassia and I’ll get someone over there. Once I know who, I’ll text you. If you two need anything, let us know.”

“I will. Thanks again. Night.”


Hanging up, I went back to the bed. She looked a little lost. I lowered the rail, picked her up and scooted her to one side then climbed in bed with her. There wasn’t much room, but it was enough to hold her close. That’s all I needed. I kissed her softly.

“You need to go to sleep. Do it. I’m here. She won’t get back in here. I promise.”

She yawned and nodded her head. Her eyelids drooped. She laid her head on my shoulder and flung one of her arms over my stomach. I closed my eyes and let myself drift off.


Throughout the night, the staff kept coming in to check on her and to take her to various departments for tests. I went with her even though they protested. By mid-morning, she was done with them and was more than ready to go home. We were waiting for her doctor to come in and give us the latest results and hopefully spring her. If he didn’t, I was afraid she’d crawl out of the window.

She had insisted on putting on her own clothes in preparation of her discharge. Bryony had stopped by earlier with Neriah and they’d brought her an outfit from the apartment. I hadn’t thought about getting one last night when I was there. That’s why women make better caregivers overall. They think of everything.

“Baby, don’t get upset if they decide you have to stay another night,” I cautioned her.

“They won’t. I feel fine other than a headache and they said those may stick around for weeks. I don’t have double vision or any of the other signs of a concussion. They’ve run so many tests and taken a lot of blood. Surely, if there was anything bad, they’d have told us.”

A knock at the door kept me from replying. I told whoever it was to come in. The door opened and in came one of the doctors from yesterday. I couldn’t recall his name. He was smiling which made me relax.

“Good morning, Ms. Parrish. I’m glad to see the excitement of last night didn’t affect you. We’re so sorry that happened. Luckily, no one was hurt. And I’m happy to say that you’re going to get to go home today. All your latest tests, including the MRI came back normal. You’ll still want to take it easy and follow up with your primary doctor. If you don’t have an OB/GYN, your regular doctor can recommend one. Do you have any questions for me? The nurse said she already went over the signs to watch for and report immediately.” He was busy looking at her chart as he finished talking.

“I do. Why would I need to have an OB/ GYN? It was my head that was hurt. Did you mean a neurologist?”

This had him raising his head and frowning. He looked at her for a moment then back at the chart. He quickly flipped through it. Even though most places had gone to electronic medical records, this hospital still kept some paper notes at the bedside. He stopped flipping and looked back at her.

“No, I wasn’t wrong. You will need an OB/GYN. I thought someone told you. I guess in all the excitement it got overlooked. When you came in, we did a variety of blood tests on you among other tests. One of them we do on anyone of childbearing age. We have to be sure you’re not pregnant, since it affects which treatments and medications we can use. Your HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, test came back showing you have higher levels of it in your blood. It wasn’t extremely high, so we know you’re not that far along, but it’s best to see a doctor and get started on your vitamins early.”

She sat there as if frozen. I was the one to ask what I wanted verified. I didn’t want to misunderstand him. “HCG is the hormone you get in your system when you’re pregnant, right?”

“Yes, that’s the one. This test result shows you can’t be more than a couple of weeks along. I’m sorry. I thought you were told. The nurses should’ve told you. I can see this is a shock. Why don’t I leave you two to talk? I’ll write the order for her discharge and they’ll be in soon to discharge her. Let us know if you have any questions.” He hurriedly shook my hand and nodded to Cassia, before he rushed out, closing the door behind him.

I immediately went to her and took her hand in mine. She was looking dazed. “Baby, say something. Are you okay?”

“Did I just hallucinate him telling me I’m pregnant? Am I delusional like Lala?”

“No, you’re not hallucinating or delusional. He did say you’re pregnant. I know this is a shock. We’ve been kind of dancing around the possibility and we’ve more than once forgotten to use a condom. Tell me what you’re thinking. Are you happy about this?”

Fear churned in my stomach. What if she wasn’t and decided she didn’t want to have a baby right now? I watched as tears filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks. I hugged her and rocked her. “Shh, baby, there’s no need to cry. I’m sorry. I should’ve protected you better. We can ask the doctor what we can do to make this right.” It gutted me to say that. I didn’t want her to abort our baby, but it was her body. I couldn’t prevent her from doing what she felt was right. If she wasn’t ready for a baby right now, I’d have to learn to live with it.
