Page 59 of Blade's Boo

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We walked over to join the ones at the bar. Blade asked for a shot. As they drank it, I whispered to Blade. “What’s the plan?”

“They’re going to stick around so we can all get to know them and they get to know us. Your brother took two weeks of leave. While they’re here, I think we’ll see if we can take care of our mutual nemesis.”

“You mean you’re going after my dad and Reuben. Blade, what if you get caught? I don’t think you should risk it.”

“We’ll do it smart. Let’s talk about this later in our room. It’s not something we talk about in front of the ladies. The only reason I’m willing to tell you is it involves you directly. Some of the guys might not agree, but I think you should know. For now, let’s sit here and get to know your brother. Although if Heath wants to leave, I won’t be sad. He’s lusting after you and I don’t like it. If he gives you any more longing looks I’ll beat his ass, so be prepared.” He was staring intently at Heath when he said it. Heath saw him and raised his glass and winked. I had to hold on to Blade to keep him from going toward him.

“If he likes me, that’s his problem. I don’t like him nor will I. You’re the man for me. I love you and I’m having your baby. Ignore him. If he gets out of hand, I’ll tell you. Come on, let’s mingle.”

Cassia: Chapter 19

Almost a week had passed since the whole kidnapping fiasco. Benedict and Heath were still in town. The guys had been having closed-door meetings. I knew they were planning the trip to Utah. While I hated the idea of them being at risk, I couldn’t care less about them ending my dad or Reuben’s lives. If that made me evil then I was evil. Any pity I might have felt for them, had been beaten out of me a long time ago. Their wives and kids would be better off without them. Hopefully, this would set them free to learn what a real life was like. Yeah, it would be hard since they hadn’t known anything else, but it was the only way.

Blade didn’t share the details, only the bare facts with me. He said the less I know the better. I can’t tell what I don’t know. I did feel better for some reason knowing they had a cop helping them plan. Even though he was a prospect, they were including Jake in the planning. I wondered what he thought of that and how he kept his professional self separate from his personal. I asked Blade, and he told me he thought Jake would quit the force soon. He believed he was waiting to be sure he patched in, which left him about six months to go unless they did it earlier. Blade didn’t think he had anything to worry about when it came to that. Jake had more than proved himself to the club for years before joining as a prospect.

In the spirit of living while we waited, the club decided to have a party. They asked their Hunters Creek chapter to join us and their friends from around town. Blade thought it was a good way to ease me into meeting all their friends. Later, they’d ask the various other clubs they were friends with to come over.

I was nervous. I think it was due to me worrying that the others wouldn’t like me or might think I wasn’t good enough for Blade. Those kinds of fears didn’t go away easily when you knew you had never been truly wanted or accepted until I met him.

I’d helped out by making all the desserts for the party. It wasn’t hard to do and some of it I did while baking at work. Ian didn’t mind as long as I reimbursed him for the supplies, which the club did. He was going to be here today. The club was talking to him more about selling the bakery. I think he was going to do it.

The rest of the food was prepared by the other ladies and there was going to be a ton of it. They assured me it would all get eaten. I didn’t know how. It was mind boggling to see, even with how I’d grown up in the Converts’ compound. They weren’t into excess.

Today, in preparation I helped by babysitting, which wasn’t a hardship for me. The ladies teased me about practicing for our baby. It still didn’t seem real that I was having a baby. It would sink in eventually.

After the work was done, it was time to get myself ready. I took care with my clothes and appearance. I was told nothing fancy. Jeans and a nice top would be perfect. I picked out my best one and took time curling my hair and applying makeup, something I don’t wear often. I was taking one last look at myself in the mirror when Blade came into the bedroom. He stopped and stared at me.

“What? Is there something wrong with this outfit? Do I look stupid?” I asked anxiously when he didn’t say anything, just kept staring at me.

He shook his head. “No, you look amazing like always. I was just soaking in how lucky I am to have found you. Make sure you wear your property cut all day. I don’t want any of the single guys over in Hunters Creek or our friends from town to mistake you for being available. If they do, I’m going to beat someone’s ass.”

I laughed. “Okay, hold your horses, Rambo. There won’t be any need for that. I have no doubt your fellow Warriors will behave. As for your friends from town, hopefully they aren’t that dumb. So, I look okay, good. Is it time to head down? Are they arriving?”

“Yeah, a couple of people from town are here and Bull and his club should be here any time now. They were traveling as a convoy. The days of either of us just riding in on bikes is over. We have too many women and kids for that. They’ll soon have to get a bus like we did. We started first so they have some catching up to do.”

He tugged me to his side and headed for the door after giving me a kiss. I grabbed my cut off the hook by the door. He helped me with it. We got on the elevator.

“How many guys are married in Hunters Creek versus those still single?”

“Hmm, let me think. They’re slightly smaller than us, so that’s sixteen members and three prospects at my last count. Seven guys are still single—Player, Slash, Joker, Iceman, Renegade, Vex, and Loki. Actually, Vex is a transfer from here to there. He took over managing their construction company after he patched last year.”

“How many kids do they have?”

He thought for several moments then answered. I could tell he was counting in his head. I was impressed he’d know all this. Obviously, the two chapters were close.

“They have eleven kids and three more due this year. In fact, one of them is due about a month before us, that’s Maverick and Rylan’s baby. The other that’s due a few weeks after us is Tank and Brynlee’s baby. They didn’t get started until a couple of years ago, when Harlow’s dad, Bull, settled down with Jocelyn and had the twins, Caeden and Corinne. That started the whole dominoes effect. They’re now dropping like flies just like we are. Everyone swears it’s something in the air and the babies are due to the water. I guess I should’ve warned you not to drink it,” he said, with a teasing twinkle in his eyes.

“Sure, like you’d do that. Admit it, you were trying to get me pregnant even from the first time.”

“I didn’t purposefully forget the condom, but I wasn’t unhappy when I did and found out you weren’t on anything. You know that.”

“I know. I just like to tease you.”

“Come on, I’ll introduce you to Tonya.”

“Whose Tonya?”

“She’s a friend of Soleil’s who just came back to town recently. She went through a bad breakup and got a divorce almost two years ago. Her husband was a superbike racer and friend of Soleil’s until he cheated on Tonya. She divorced him while pregnant with their third child. Soleil is happy she’s moved back. She worries about them.”
