Page 47 of Cowboy Under Siege

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“Sounds like a fight.” He took off at a run, muscles pumping. She followed and skidded around the corner in time to see one cowboy deck another with a punch to the teeth.

The man sprawled on his back over the dusty floorboards, blood running down his chin.

Great—now she had somebody else to patch up.

The thought barely bobbed to the surface of Trinny’s mind before Jaren leaped into the fray.

Plastering a hand over her mouth, she looked on with wide eyes as he tore one cowboy off the other, hats and fists flying.

August came running up and jerked to a stop beside her.

“What’s going on?” Her eyes were locked on Jaren’s broad back, and she was mesmerized by the strong flex of his shoulders as he ripped the men apart a second time.

“These two have been tryin’ to kill each other for weeks. Knew that sooner or later they’d lay into one another.”

Just then one of the men turned on Jaren. His fist connected with Jaren’s abs. The cowboy’s knuckles bounced off Jaren’s abs, and he didn’t even flinch.

A small scream escaped Trinny.

Jaren swung in an arc, moving so slowly it looked as though someone slowed down a film. He twisted his head to pin his gaze on the man who hit him.

“No! Abel, stop!” All of a sudden, August jumped forward, throwing his hardened body between Jaren and the man he was now glaring at.

Jaren’s fists clenched at his sides. Through gritted teeth, he growled, “You want to try that again, buddy?”

Before the guy could get any more dumb ideas, August shoved a palm into the man’s chest, propelling him backward. “Get outta here. Collect your things and go up to the big house for your pay. You’re dismissed.”

Trinny’s eyes widened. Jaren didn’t budge from his spot, his legs braced wide and his body like a military tank. He continued to glare the kid down.

After an endless heartbeat, he swayed to the side, spat a glob of bloody saliva on the floor and walked out of the barn.

August watched him leave, his body tensing in preparation for more blows to come, but the guy wasn’t coming back.

“You good, Abel?” he asked.

Jaren seemed to break from some trance. He blinked and his eyes immediately darted to Trinny. A dark red flush crept out of his collar and traveled up his neck to redden his ears.

What in the world had him looking like he was about to do some real damage? She took a step toward him, but he held up a palm to keep her in place. He twisted and extended a hand to the man flat on his back, bleeding, and hoisted him to his feet.

“You all right, man?” August glanced at Jaren. “I’ll take it from here.”

Trinny surged forward to meet her bodyguard, who still wouldn’t meet her eye.

Searching his face for blood or bruises in case he’d taken a hit that she missed in the excitement, she could barely stop herself from touching him. His whole body seemed to quiver with enough volts of electricity to run Stone Pass.

Slowly, he raised a hand and rubbed his knuckles over his jaw. That was when she saw the blood on his hand.

She grabbed his wrist, but he shook her off.

With a glare, she positioned herself in front of him, forcing him to stop and look at her. “You’re bleeding. And you’re going with me into the bunkhouse to get the cut cleaned out. Understand me, Abel?”

A huff of laughter sounded from behind her. His gaze shifted from her to some point over her shoulder.

A new voice added to the mix. “Then you can take yourself down to the office and wait for me.”

Jaren didn’t budge. She glanced behind her and saw Ross standing there. Oh god, now Jaren was in trouble with the boss.

“Better listen to her, Abel. She’s a tough little thing. If she had any nasty-tastin’ medicine, she’d shove the spoon down your throat.”
