Page 49 of Cowboy Under Siege

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His chest heaved. What was he supposed to do? Turn away from her and break the bond they’d developed?

When she thrust her shoulders back, it was with the same glint of steel he’d seen in her in the bunkhouse as she bullied August into letting her care for his injury.

In a cool tone, she said, “Ross, please allow Jaren to continue working as my personal protection officer.”

Jaren’s throat closed off. Was this even the right thing to do? Her safety came first, and if he let anything happen to her…

Ross pushed out a sigh.

Jaren held his breath in anticipation of the final verdict. Whatever Ross decided wouldn’t help him feel better about his mistake, but it would ease the hot, hard lump in his throat that lodged there at the thought of losing Trinny.

At last, Ross nodded. “Just toe the line, Abel.”

He gave him a swift nod of agreement, turning for the door and catching Trinny by the elbow on the way out.

They made it all the way to the truck and drove halfway to the ranch gates when she spoke.

“I was safe there, Jaren. You said it yourself when you took me to the ranch today.”

He whipped his head to pierce her in his gaze but any words—any thoughts—were wiped right out of his head by the expression on her face.

She was looking at him like…like…she wanted to be kissed.

“Fuck!” He slammed on the brakes and shoved the gear into park even as he hooked his hand around her nape and yanked her across the console to meet him halfway. His lips crashed over hers in a hard, claiming kiss.

Her soft mouth gave beneath his, and she uttered a small moan that had him aching and his cock shoving at his fly.

Angling his head, he dragged her even closer until she was practically hanging over the console and inches away from landing in his lap.

All it would take is one tug.

He tore from the kiss. Their lips hovered mere inches away, and both of them panted hard.

Suddenly, Trinny dropped back into her seat, the lust on her face replaced by a dazed expression.

Jaren nudged the front of his jeans to shift his cock into a more bearable position. He was starting to see the light.

Whenever this woman challenged him, he jumped at the call. Backing down—backing away—wasn’t even an option, and it left him feeling out of control in a way he wasn’t used to.

He put the truck into gear again and continued on. Trinny sat stiffly upright in her seat, her hands knotted in her lap. Once in a while, she’d cast him a sidelong look that made him want to stop the damn truck.

All the way up the mountain to the lodge, flames licked at his insides. Somehow, he managed to get them there safe and sound.

I can’t lay a hand on her again.

I can’t stop. It’s too late.

With unchecked force, he stabbed the keypad to disarm the system.

Slender fingers trailed up the back of his hand to his wrist.

Chest heaving, he watched Trinny stroke his arm. She might as well be stroking his cock for how it affected him.

They blasted through the door. Hooking one arm around her, he shoved her up flat against the wall and used the other to arm the security system. She palmed his face to bring his head to hers and kissed him.

Oh fuck, was she kissing him.

She ripped off his hat and dug her fingers into his scalp as her lips moved with all the raging passion they began in the truck.
