Page 84 of Cowboy Under Siege

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He grinned. “I hope the playlist is on repeat.”

Leading her across the lush grass, he prepared for the fireball that was his momma. When they rounded the corner and his gaze settled over the group of family, his team and friends, he immediately picked out his mother in a red summer dress.

Sensing one of her children staring at her in the way only a momma could, she turned and looked at him.

Her eyes flew wide. Flustered, she threw up her hands and rushed away from Judd and Ari and barreled over to Jaren. With one arm, he caught her and hugged her tight. He felt Trinny’s hand start to slip in his grasp but he firmed his hold on her fingers. He wasn’t letting her take even a step away from his side no matter how nervous she was.

“My boy! God, look at that beard. When are you gonna shave it?” His mother clasped his head in both hands to examine him, a big smile on her face.

He chuckled. “I haven’t shaved since I was fifteen and could grow a full beard, Momma. You know that. Besides, you haven’t seen me in months and you want to argue over my facial hair?”

She batted at his arm. “It’s what we mothers do. Now…” She turned from him to face Trinny.

Reeling Trinny against his side, he said, “Momma, this is Trinny.”

Trinny’s smile was a little thin and wobbly—until his mother threw her arms around her and hugged her just as tight as she did Jaren.

“I’m sooo happy to finally meet you. I’ve seen photos, of course. And you’re even lovelier in person. I know we’re going to get along so well. I can’t wait to learn more about the woman who managed to capture this ruffian’s heart.” She smacked Jaren in the chest.

Some of the tension flowed out of Trinny, and her smile relaxed into a more genuine one. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

His mother chuckled. “Probably nothing good if Jaren’s doing the telling.”

They all laughed, but a sudden whoop ripped through the air.

“I know that sound anywhere.” He swung around as his brother Julius lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Jaren in a bear hug.

“Damn, it’s good to see you. You can’t imagine how boring our old hometown is without you.”

Jaren thumped Julius on the back, but only once before their baby brother Jennings took his turn.

“Good to see you, man,” he said to Jennings. They broke apart and all three of them laughed at their mother dabbing wetness from her eyes.

“All my boys together again. And three new daughters for me to get to know.” She swiped at another tear.

Jaren caught Trinny’s gaze and saw how his mother’s words affected her as well. For a woman who never experienced the unconditional love of her own mother, being called a daughter had Trinny’s own eyes misting up.

Brushing his lips over her brow, he took her by the hand. “Come meet my father.”

The Abels all came together in the middle of the deck to talk and joke about old times. Trinny, Ari and Jace’s significant other Bronte had formed a small tribe of their own and they stood back, laughing and poking fun at their Southern way of speaking.

When someone called out that food was on, the picnic really kicked into high gear. They loaded their plates and took seats around several long tables. Every last person the Wyntons brought into their circle had their own place here. Just looking around at his friends and loved ones made Jaren’s chest swell.

He had the richest life anyone could ask for. A woman he adored, a fantastic family, a job and a team he loved, and even the small town had offered a haven from the dumpster fire he’d walked away from after they lost their security company.

His momma and Trinny were engaged in a deep discussion. He caught Trinny’s eye and cocked a brow. Seeing that he was asking if she was all right being left alone with Momma Abel, she waved a hand at him.

With a grin, he sauntered across the deck to where Ross and a couple other guys from the team were shooting the breeze.

Ross handed him a beer. “We haven’t gotten much of a chance to talk since you returned from Oklahoma. How was the security detail?”

Jaren took the beer and brought it to his lips. “Uneventful, as you probably read in my report.”

“Glad to hear it. Those easy ones feel good after the tougher cases.”

Both their gazes shot across the deck to where Trinny stood. Some of the other ladies crowded around her to talk, and her face glowed with sheer happiness.

“She fits right in, Abel,” Ross commented.
