Page 85 of Cowboy Under Siege

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“She does.” He sipped again to cover the emotion in his voice.

“We’ve got some details to discuss about our friend The Broker if you’ve got a few minutes.”

He lowered his drink from his lips. “Lead the way.”

Several of them drifted to a corner and took seats on the long benches on each side of a table. As soon as he sat down, Judd and Jace flanked him. From the corner of his eye, he saw Julius and Jennings hovering at the corner of the group.

Ross swept a look over all of them. “This involves everyone here. I’ll get straight to the point. Matt Dom has been behind bars since the incident in the bank in Albany.” He nodded toward Jaren. “But the FBI has continued to question him, and more information has come to light.”

Jaren fisted a hand on his thigh. Next to him, both Jace and Judd hummed with tension. His younger brothers both wore their anger plain on their faces at the mention of the man who’d taken down their company.

“Five more people have been named in connection to The Broker and arrests have been made.”

“Hell yeah,” Jaren ground out, thumping his other fist on the table.

“It seems Dom was telling the truth. He started his ring to get secrets and steal from other companies.” Ross’s stare landed on Judd and then switched to Jace, both of whom had experienced this firsthand on the job.

Ross continued. “But he was in love with the congressman’s daughter. When she turned him down, he got obsessed, and we all know how that ended.”

Silence rippled over them.

“A few of his cohorts took the fall, but Dom was behind the entire operation. Only things were getting more out of his control. He couldn’t keep up with the financial end of things. Something about the mafia stiffing him for a million-dollar job.”

Jaren blew out a breath at the sum.

“Dom panicked and set his sights on Trinny’s mother. He seduced her and got enough money to keep going. But she realized something was very off about her lover and she wrote it all down in that photo album.”

For so long, he’d felt he and his brothers were under siege, their unknown attacker just lurking around the next corner to finish them off. Now he was in a very, very different place.

Jaren shook his head in absolute awe at how everything in his life seemed to spin a direct circle, pointing him back to the place he was meant to be, the company he was meant to work for and the woman destined to walk this life with him.

He found he couldn’t really be angry about Abel Security going under. After all, it brought him the Wyntons, Shanies, Traces and many more friends. It brought him Trinny.

“When Dom realized the woman was on to him during the cruise, he scoured her belongings to find that album. But it wasn’t on the ship. From what we gather, the two argued and he pushed her off the balcony, resulting in her death. Then he went on a spree, ransacking her homes searching for that album.”

“Which Trinny had with her,” Jaren breathed out.

Ross nodded. “It sounds like this chapter really is truly over for you all. I hope it means you can move on and heal from what happened with the congressman’s daughter and what you all lost.”

Judd bowed his head, his Stetson tugged low over his eyes, but Jaren knew his brother was shedding the heavy burden as much as the rest of them were.

Reaching over, he clapped his older brother on the back. Judd raised his head, and they shared a grin.

“Now, for the next order of business.” Ross’s announcement had Julius and Jennings shifting into tense poses again.

Jaren eyed his brothers. What was up that he didn’t know about yet?

“You guys are all aware there’s been talk of a task force in Colorado.”

They all nodded.

“Well, it’s been formed. It’s a go. And WEST Protection is spearheading it with Clay Lexis in charge.” Ross sought Lexis out.

The man seated at the end of the table gave a nod.

“He’s also managed to do something I haven’t,” Ross went on. “He roped Julius and Jennings onto his new team, WEST Sentry.”

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Jaren drawled out. He hooked his leg over the bench and got up to embrace his brothers who were smiling and looking ready to conquer their new challenge.
