Page 43 of Sweet Refuge

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“The marriage was a mistake,” she told him.

“But you still rescued him.”

“Exactly!Irescuedhim.” She slapped the table again. “Tell him that!”

He opened his mouth to ask her another question when the door opened, and Gunnison poked his head in. “Your artist’s in transit.”

He looked between them. Picking up on the energy in the room, he said, “Everything all right?”

“Yup,” she responded at once.

“Just discussing the cartel leader’s son.” Apollo lied to his own teammate with a straight face.

Lied to protecther.

A shiver rolled through Lena. Damn, he was good at his job. She needed to take a page from his instruction manual and keep her queasiness, the shakeup of her pregnancy and anything to do with Overstreet off her glass face.

She steeled herself. She just had to get through today. Tomorrow, she’d find a doctor and weigh her options.

* * * * *

Slade stood behind the door of Blackout headquarters, waiting for someone to give him entry. Fucking clearances only went so far, and his credentials didn’t cross over here. Even Blackout locked down between teams.

The fortress was still and quiet, a building that hid in plain sight yet nobody could enter without exclusive clearances.

He didn’t exactly have those credentials for Alpha team, but close enough. He had no question that they’d admit him.

When a metallicclanksounded on the other side of the door, he anticipated who was letting him in. If it were Lena, he wouldn’t be surprised if she slammed it in his face again.

Nah, she wouldn’t bother coming to the door—she’d glance at the security cams, see his face and refuse to allow him inside.

She let me inside her body though. Several times.

But once was enough.

The door swung open, and Apollo stood there.

“Man, here’s an ugly face.” Apollo stepped back for Slade to enter. Then as soon as the door shut, he yanked him in and thumped him on the back.

“Damn good to see you, bro.” Slade grinned as they separated.

“Didn’t expect you to turn up here. You look fit for battle. I’m surprised Con hasn’t ordered you back to Charlie yet.”

Slade shrugged. He wasn’t willing to discuss when he would be returning to his team, mostly because he wasn’t ready. Leaving Washington, DC would mean not seeing Lena. They had too much to straighten out before he returned to duty.

“C’mon in. It’s been quiet around here the last few days, but I’m sure you’ll find a few people willing to talk to you.” He shot him a glance as they headed down a dark corridor.

Slade didn’t say that he only needed one person to speak to him, and she’d probably refuse.

They passed a doorway, and he automatically glanced inside. Two women were seated at computers. They were both part of the Blackout team now—here because of their stellar skills, though the men they loved were Blackout.

Neither looked their way as he and Apollo passed. The next door opened into an office. A few chairs were scattered at odd angles around the desk, as if the people who used them last jumped up quickly.

His stomach hollowed. Was Lena one of them? No, Apollo said it had been quiet around here. She wasn’t in danger.

He still had to question. “Any chatter about Mexico?”

Apollo continued to pace a step ahead of him. Without turning, he said, “Some new developments.”
