Page 15 of Bite Me Baby

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I could have Lyra eating out of the palm of my hand in a day, so two weeks is more than enough time.

Marcus closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his hands forming intricate patterns in the air as he begins to chant in a language that he has tried to teach me, but the ancient language of his kind is beyond my grasp. “Zolgrathas trinoshanorim, enkronithas sorvethra, kezranomor lorgathorim, zorvathas thronothra, vorshanthir eldorathim, yorvanathas brondethra, thalgronimor shalvathorim, zenkorithas dranthethra.”

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as the room grows colder. Vampires are cold creatures by nature, but it is like an icy blast straight from the polar caps. The temperature in the room drops so suddenly and drastically that a deep chill settles in my bones.

A bright blue light erupts from Marcus’s outstretched palms, illuminating the entire room. The light swirls and dances around him, forming a barrier of pure magic that envelops the space like a cocoon. The power of the spell radiates through me; it’s working.

As Marcus continues to chant, the blue light grows brighter and brighter until it is almost blinding. The air crackles with electricity, the energy building to a crescendo. With a final burst of power, the light dissipates.

Marcus opens his eyes, exhaustion etched into his features. He falls back into his chair, breathing heavily as he wipes sweat from his brow. “It is done.”

“Thank you, Marcus. One more thing.”

“What is the matter now?” he groans, his eyes closing wearily.

“Well, I have a feeling that come sunrise, Lyra will attempt to depart, only to find herself unable to do so. Her frustration will no doubt boil over, and being an irate werewolf, she will likely attack me. You are aware of the dangerous nature of a werewolf’s bite and the grim consequences it can inflict on a vampire’s health.”

Marcus frowns, his eyes opening with a sudden sharpness. “Ah, you seek an elixir to counteract the venom of a werewolf’s bite. I am not some commonplace witch or local apothecary, Xavier.”

“If Lyra sinks her fangs into my flesh, her venom will sear through me like acid, spreading like wildfire through every cell in my body. I’ll feel my skin bubble and writhe in agony, my veins pulsing with a fiery pain that will threaten to consume me. The infection will spread like a disease, weakening me until I’m nothing but a writhing, wriggling mass of pain and suffering, and then I’ll die.”

“Indubitably, your demeanor exudes an unwarranted abundance of drama. It seems you have failed to recognize the fact that it was I, indeed, who extended care and assistance to you during your prior encounter with a rather mundane bite. While it is true that you endured a period of debilitation and discomfort, it is imperative to highlight that your condition did not pose any significant peril to your very existence.”

“As a friend, would you not desire to alleviate my suffering?” I smile, revealing my fangs.

“Pray, refrain from baring your fangs in my presence. The hour is late, and I find myself fatigued by your company. I shall return to your side come the light of day, bearing the elixir you require.” With that, he pushes himself up and stalks from the room, leaving me alone in the darkness.

With the matter settled, I retreat to my bedroom, only to find Lyra sitting up on the edge of the bed, reaching for her clothes. That won’t do...

Her long, blonde hair cascades down her naked back, catching the moonbeams, making her look like a fairy princess leaving her enchanted realm.

“Are you leaving?” I ask from the doorway, hurrying across the room to stop her from getting dressed. I come to a standstill before her, and she looks up at me from beneath her lashes.

“I woke up, you were gone, and I thought it was a good time for me to go home.”

“No, our night is far from over,” I say, my hand moving towards her, gently halting her from continuing to dress.

“Xavier...” she murmurs, her voice hesitant, her eyes flickering between mine and the door.

“What difference does it make if you leave now or in the morning?” I ask, my hand trailing up her arm, tracing delicate patterns on her skin. “We might never see each other again after tonight. So why not make the most of our time together?”

She opens her mouth to argue, but I cut her off, stepping closer to her. “It wasn’t just ‘fun’, it was pure, unadulterated magic, and I’m not ready to let that go just yet.” My hand reaches up to brush her hair away from her face, the strands soft and silken under my fingers. I can see her body tensing, fighting against the urge to stay, but she wants this as much as I do. “In fact,” I murmur, “I plan to turn that ‘fun’ into something magnificent.”

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?” I ask, and the corner of my mouth curls up into a smirk.

“Like I’m dessert, and you want nothing more than to taste me,” Lyra replies, her eyes flickering with a hint of amusement.

“You’re much sweeter than any dessert I’ve ever tasted.” I take a step closer to her, parting her legs with mine and stepping between them. Her lips part in invitation, and the heat of her breath washes over my skin. “I don’t just want to taste you; I want to devour you.”

Her hands move to my hips, her thumbs dipping beneath the fabric of my sleep pants to brush against my skin. “You’ve had your turn to play, bloodsucker, now it’s my turn.”

“I find myself enjoying the direction this is going,” I murmur, already growing hard at her touch.

“You are about to enjoy it a lot more.” Her eyes darken as she hooks the waistband of my sleep pants and pulls them down.

My cock slaps against my lower abdomen, begging for her touch. Lyra slides her palms up my thighs; my muscles tense with anticipation as she nears my aching cock, and when her fingers wrap around my swollen flesh, I let out a deep groan.
