Page 47 of Love on Target

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“Since you were planning to borrow a dress from Cora Lee for the wedding, let’s see what Maggie sent.” Theo leaned over Rena’s shoulder as she lifted out the layers of tissue to reveal a beautiful ivory silk dress. Trimmed in exquisite lace along the bustline and below the elbow-length full sleeves, the gown was stunning. She lifted it from the box and held it up, to better examine the lovely creation.

Theo whistled softly. “Now I’m gonna wish I were the one walking you down the aisle instead of standing next to Josh so I could get a better view when his eyeballs pop right out of his head.”

Rena laughed. “He won’t be that shocked to see me in a dress, will he?”

“He might be.” Theo pointed to the box. “What else is in there?”

Rena carefully set the wedding gown on the tissue she’d taken from the box, then lifted out the skirt that matched the sailor-style shirtwaist she’d purchased from Maggie as well as a plain brown skirt that would go well with her other shirtwaists. She had a feeling she would soon be adding more skirts and dresses to her wardrobe.

She turned her attention back to the box. Beneath the skirts were petticoats and a few lacy undergarments, which Theo didn’t need to see. She set the skirts back in the box, then picked up the wedding dress again. She held it to her and swayed to make the skirt swish.

Theo grinned. “Now, you and Gabi can be princesses together.”

“Yes, we can. Only, I get to marry my prince on Saturday.”

Theo pointed to the gown. “Does this mean you’re giving up your trousers?”

“No, but I will start wearing dresses again, at least on Sundays and when I go to tea with Henley, Anne, and Cora Lee.”

“I think it’s nice you’ve made good friends here in Holiday.” Theo waited until she returned the dress to the box to give her a hug. “I’m happy for you, Rena, but the cabin is going to seem so quiet without you here.”

“You’ll be fine, just like you were before I barged into your life.” She patted his shoulder, then moved a step back. “Besides, you know you are welcome at Josh’s house, I mean our house, anytime.”

“I do know that and appreciate the invitation. I’ll be sure to drop by at the most inopportune time, like right before dinner, or Gabi’s bedtime. Maybe I can bring some of your miner friends to visit. Poor old Harry moped around all last week when he found out you won’t be returning to the mine.”

Rena smiled at her cousin’s teasing. “I’m sure he’ll get over it. I’m just glad Cade understood why I couldn’t go back to the mine and has been so kind about everything.”

“He did understand. He’s also quite proud that he owns and operates the only mine in the region to have hired a female powder monkey who also punched a fellow so hard in the nose, he flipped backward right off his seat. By the time that story makes it through all the mining camps, you’ll be seven feet tall and will have fought an invading army with one hand tied behind your back.”

Laughter spilled out of her as Theo pretended to punch an unseen foe.

“I’m going to miss your unique sense of humor, cousin.” Rena kissed Theo’s cheek.

“And I’m going to miss your strange ways, cousin, but I really am so happy you and Josh are getting married. I think you bring out the best in each other.”

“We do,” Rena agreed.

Saturday morning, Rena walked down the aisle of the church on the arm of Cade. He’d offered to escort her, and she’d gratefully accepted, pleased to remain friends with the man who’d given her a chance at work when she’d had few options open to her.

As she strolled toward Josh in the glorious gown Maggie had given her, Rena didn’t think Theo was that far off in his assessment of her husband-to-be’s reaction.

Shock at seeing her in not just a dress, but a finely crafted wedding gown, with her hair fashioned into a profusion of curls and flowers pinned above her right ear, Josh’s blue eyes widened to the size of saucers. When he recovered himself a moment later, a huge grin creased his face as he watched her float down the aisle.

Gabi raced ahead of Rena and Cade with more enthusiasm than decorum, tossing flower petals all along the aisle and on anyone too close to her flinging aim.

Theo took Gabi’s hand and held it as she stood between him and Josh. Rena smiled at her cousin who had given her a place to call home when she’d most needed it, then she handed her bouquet to Laura with a kiss on her cheek.

There was no one else she wanted to stand with her as she married Josh, and Laura had eagerly agreed to make the trip to Oregon. Laura planned to stay a week in Holiday, spending precious time with her brother and getting to know Gabi before heading back to Texas. She and Theo had offered to keep an eye on Gabi while Josh whisked Rena away to Baker City for a few days at the luxurious hotel located there before they returned to Holiday to begin their life together.

“You are so very beautiful, Rena,” Josh whispered in her ear as he took her hand when Cade presented her to him.

“Thank you. You’re quite handsome, sir,” she said in a hushed tone, although she meant each word, then had to swallow a laugh when Cade offered Josh a menacing scowl.

“Treat her like a queen, or you’ll answer to me,” Cade threatened in a low tone that somehow carried throughout the stillness of the congregation.

Josh merely nodded to the man, but Gabi leaned forward and tugged on Cade’s hand. “I’m going to be a princess. If my new mama is a queen, then is my papa the king?”
