Page 3 of Jude and Hannah

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“Yes, baby girl. This is as real as it gets.” I hear commotion behind me and stiffen up still in shock and not sure what to say.

“What’s going on out here?” Sadie asks, walking up to us. Panic takes hold of me. I am not sure why, but I look at Jude silently pleading for his help. His finger slides down my cheek before he turns to the rest of everyone else coming out of the house wondering what is happening.

Just turns to everyone, a death grip on my hip, plastering me to his side like he thinks I am going to run. “Everyone, Hannah has just agreed to marry me.” The front yard erupts into congratulations and claps. Meanwhile I am looking at him while he looks at me, amused by his use of ‘agreed’.

“So this has turned into an engagement party?” Geeb says, hitting me on the back. I nod, trying to smile, when Jude grips me harder and looks at Alton.

“Actually, I was hoping we could turn it into a wedding.” Everyone gets quiet right at the moment that I squeak out one word.

“What?” Is all I can manage to say. Jude holds me against his chest, his lips inches from mine. So close I can smell the liquor he was just drinking. It's so intoxicating it is almost as if I was the one drinking it.

“Don’t make me wait, baby girl. I won’t survive it,” he says right before his mouth touches mine lightly. It's so lite it could be a feather, but the burn of lust and want is no less prominent. Forgetting everyone else is watching, I grip his shirt and attempt to kiss him back. He pulls back, breathing labored and angsty. I know. I feel it. “Say yes. Say yes you will marry me right now. Say yes so we can finally get what we both have been longing for.”

“What’s that?” I know my answer, but I need to hear his. I need to know he feels everything I do and not just the lust. His hands hold both of mine so he can have my undivided attention.

“Everything, baby girl. Everything. So say yes.” I put my forehead on his and nod my head.

“Yes, Jude. Let’s get married now.”



Thank fuck she said yes. I don’t know what I would have done if she would have objected. That’s a lie. I would have thrown her over my shoulder, taken her to my house, tied her to the bed and killed her with pleasure until she gave me what I wanted. Untethered access to everything having to do with her. I finally figured out what the problem has been. I know now what has been driving me insane. I had no rights to her. No right to her thoughts, dreams, wants and needs. No claim over her pleasure, innocence and her awakening. I need all of it.

“Well my friends, it seems things have taken an unexpected, albeit blessed twist for today. This simple gathering of friends and family has turned into a wedding for the matched Jude and Hannah. Since I have nothing prepared and I know how long Jude has been waiting for this moment, I am going to turn it over to him.” Alton looks at me after he finishes his speech. I grab the hands of my soon-to-be-wife and tell her the truth.

“Hannah, I am promising in front of everyone here today to be your protector, your friend, your husband. Your light in the dark as you discover new things and the only man you will ever know in ways meant for a husband and wife. I will love, honor, cherish and be there for you all the days of my life.” I can see the shock in her face, my words take the breath from her. She blinks a few times, a lone tear falling down her gorgeous cheeks. With my thumb I wipe the offending liquid from her porcelain skin and suck it into my mouth. Gasping, her eyes lower and glow a second before she clears her throat.

“Hannah.” Alton nods, giving her a chance to speak.

“I am not sure what to say. I was not expecting any of this. But, I feel blessed that my destiny has found me. As your wife I will obey, follow and talk to you. I will come to you with my fears and trust you with my needs. I will love, honor and be faithful to the faith you have put in me.”

Following her vows which made my cock hard and anxious, I slide her wedding band on her hand and damn near shout when she slides mine onto me.MINE!Is the only thing repeating in my mind right now. “By the power vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife.” Alton barely finishes the words and I have her in my arms, mouth on mine, licking across her lips. She stiffens, shocked at first but then I feel her body become pliant and her mouth opens for me.

Uncaring of everyone around us, nothing existing in this moment, I sweep my tongue into her mouth and groan when her sweet taste hits me. “Follow my lead, baby girl. Just like this,” I say into her mouth, so fucking turned on by the fact she doesn’t know how to kiss. I get to show this delicious girl how to do everything. My chest is pumping up and down, beating with the rhythm of a savage. If this were a historical novel, I would be pillaging towns and huts, roaring at the proof I have the greatest prize. Proving my worth to her by resurrecting those same towns in her honor and name.

For a moment she too forgets we are exposed, and her sweet moan runs through me, feeding the hunger in me, giving me a brief respite of this primal urge to fuck her senseless and put my seed in her. Well, long enough to let her celebrate with her family before I take her home and do just that.

It has been two hours since our impromptu ceremony and I have not had a moment alone with my new bride and it is pissing me off. The only reason I have not put an end to this shit is because she has been smiling nonstop and enjoying herself and I want that for her. “Well, I assume you are satisfied,” Lloyd says, coming up behind me. I throw my wine back and mumble under my breath.

“Not yet but I will be.” Enough of this shit. I am done sharing her with everyone.

Stealthy, I make my way across the yard toward where she and her sisters are talking. Sadie sees me coming first and smirks before she nods towards me. My wife turns around and her cheeks pinken. Her gaze drops a bit before she looks back up at me, lower lip in her mouth. “Congratulations,” Rachel says, hugging me.

“Thank you ladies. I hate to interrupt your fun, but do you ladies mind if I take my bride to her new home?” They all smile and hide their giggles shaking their heads. I run my knuckles down her face to the pulse in her neck, satisfied when I can feel it racing. “Are you ready, baby girl?”

“Yes,” she says quietly, placing her hand in my offered one. Not stopping to say goodbye to anyone else, I usher her into my Lexus and zoom the fuck out of the driveway. The ride is short and stifling. The need between us, even though she doesn’t know what she is feeling, is thick and so fucking tangible.

“Wow. You live here?” she asks, looking up at my home. Our home.

“You live here now as well, baby girl. We will come and get the rest of your belongings from Jasper’s in a few days.”

“A few days? What am I going to wear in between then?” I run my fingers through her hair to under her chin.

“Preferably nothing, baby. I plan to have you on your back, hands and knees for the next few days.”

“Oh my.”
