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Bridge huffed, but the spark of mirth in his gaze gave him away as he laughed.

Mason, on the other hand, looked like a deer caught in headlights. It was a rarity to see our stoic leader looking so bewildered.

“So, talk to me. What did you do to get her back?” he growled.

Bridge stepped forward. “I tied her to the library table and fucked her. Logan walked in and watched, making it out that she was busted.”

“Fucking hell!” Mason’s face turned white, as if he was about to go ballistic, his shoulders bunching up. “What happened to staying low? Fuck, you two had to go there!” He was shaking with anger.

“To be fair, she started it,” I began. “And she loved it and was begging for more. Plus, according to her diary, she was so into it, she wished I had joined in on the action.” I glanced over to Katerina, still fast asleep in bed, stirring under the blankets.

I flipped out the diary from under my arm, flashing it for him, then started flipping through the pages, landing on one I quickly scanned.

“Wait up,” I said, lifting my gaze. “According to her record from the other day, she wrote, and I quote, ‘Father Mason went down on me in the middle of the woods.’” I raised my gaze to him, Bridge narrowing his attention on him. “Now, who’s calling the kettle black?”

A myriad of reactions rippled over his face, from confusion to anger to surprise. Mason practically tore the notebook from my hands, Bridge peering over his shoulder at the scribbles. His eyes darted back and forth as he digested each line of Katerina’s thinking.

“And you were having a go at us?” Bridge spat. The playful tone from moments ago was all but forgotten. “How about we sort out our shit, then deal with our obsession?”


It was like an itch that wouldn’t leave me alone, a hunger that couldn’t be sated, a thirst that refused to be quenched. He was right about what we all felt toward Katerina.

I glanced over at Bridge, then Mason, the truth slowly dawning on us. This blonde had burrowed into our minds, consumed our thoughts, and dominated our every waking moment.

“Bridge is right,” Mason added. “We need to sort things out, then deal with what’s going on between the four of us.”

Before I could respond, a soft voice chimed in from the bed.

“Sort what out?”

We all twisted around to face her. She blinked, her eyes fluttering open to take in the three of us standing at the end of the bed.

“Is it that you three are pretending to be priests at the Shadow Hill Institute?” she continued.


The room fell silent, the air thickening with tension, while heavy sleep clung to my mind like cobwebs. All I remembered was Mason catching me in his office and me being so startled, I must have passed out. I couldn’t say I’d ever fainted before.

My situation hadn’t exactly improved.

Mason’s eyes darted down to my red notebook he held tightly in his hands.

“Why were you snooping in my diary?” My pulse thundered in my veins.

“You didn’t exactly give us an option.” Logan was the first to respond, his green eyes brighter than I remembered them, his Mohawk sitting messily across one side of his face. “We had to find out where you were and what you knew.” His voice trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid. I guessed Mason hadn’t told them he’d carried me into this bedroom after scaring the hell out of me.

Shuffling myself to sit upright in bed, I pushed my legs over the edge and was glad to find I still wore my clothes. After last night’s fiasco, I couldn’t put anything past them.

“So, I guess you owe me the truth,” I finally said, breaking the silence. “Who are you really, and why are you impersonating priests? And what’s all this about New Orleans and hitmen?”

Their eyes widened, and a glance was exchanged among the three. A flicker of something dark moved behind Mason’s eyes, but it quickly vanished. None of them moved at first, just stared at me like a startled deer in headlights.

Yep, I’d called it right.

“Kat, what I’m about to tell you,” Mason started, his voice heavy, “might put you in grave danger. So, I’ll make the decision yours if you prefer not to know.”

“When you tell someone not to look into a mysterious secret box, what do you think they are going to do?” I chuckled. “Of course, I need to know.”
