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They looked at each other again, a silent conversation passing between them.

Finally, Logan sighed, his gaze meeting mine. “Alright, Kat. It’s time you knew the truth that must not leave this room.”

“You have my word, which I know may not mean much, but you know where I live, and for all I know, you three are mass murderers.” I smirked to lighten the tension in the room, but no one was laughing.

God, please don’t let them be killers hiding out here from the cops.

Mason stepped closer to the bed, taking a seat a few feet from me, running a hand across his mouth. “We have targets on our backs, Kat. We’re hiding out here because it’s the safest place we could find. The police…” He shook his head. “Some of the local ones in New Orleans… we think they’re corrupt. If they knew where we were, they’d tip off a dangerous gang, the Bloods.”

I blinked in surprise, trying not to freak out for them because, fuck me, I’d heard of the Bloods on the news. A ruthless gang who let nothing stand in their way, not even the law.

“S-So, this is like your own witness protection location?”

“Exactly.” He nodded, his lips pinched thin. “We sent the regular priests on a six-month vacation to Europe. Fabricated letters for them to live a humble life on a farm of their choosing. They’ll be contacted to return when the time is up. There were three Fathers, and we simply took their spots. No one was supposed to get hurt. We just kept our heads down and did our jobs until we were safe to leave.”

I leaned forward, glancing up at Bridge and Logan, who were watching me intently.

“Why’s this gang after you?” I pressed, needing to understand. “What exactly happened?” I was terrified for them. The thought of these men, these fake priests who had become a part of my life, in danger, made my heart squeeze uncomfortably.

“You see, Kat, I used to be a computer programmer,” Bridge began, his gaze distant. “One damn encrypted file flipped my life upside down. It was just the wrong place, wrong time.” He traced a pattern on his jeans, his expression hard. “I stumbled upon a hit list by the local gang. It had every name, every detail that could’ve put them all behind bars for good.”

He paused, swallowing hard.

“They found out. I managed to destroy the evidence before they could get their hands on it, but that didn’t matter to the leader, Jonas.”

My breath hitched.

“He swore he’d take my head,” Bridge continued, his voice rough. “And Logan and Bridge... they were with me when Jonas found me and helped me get away from him. They didn’t need any introduction. They’d had enough run-ins with the Bloods to be notorious in New Orleans.”

“We couldn’t exactly trust the cops,” Logan added quietly. “So, we’re on our own, keeping low.”

The room fell silent again, and I was trembling for them. Fear, worry, and a spark of determination sparked in my chest. We needed a plan, and we needed one fast. These men, for all their lies and secrets, had become important to me. I wasn’t about to let them face this danger alone.

I leaned forward. “How long will you hide? How do you get out of this?” I asked, my voice sounding small even to my own ears. “It sounds... terrifying.”

Mason met my gaze, his usually sparkling eyes serious. “We have people on the inside,” he admitted. “They’re helping us keep track of Jonas’ routine. Once we have the right time, we’re going to strike.”

The warmth drained from my face. “Strike?” I repeated, barely a whisper.

Logan nodded, squaring his shoulders. “We hired someone to take out Jonas. It’s the only way to get off their hit list. We have no issue with anyone else in the gang.”

Their confession left me in stunned silence. The reality of their predicament was far darker and more dangerous than I could have ever imagined. Dread washed over me, not for myself, but for them.

Mason’s gaze hardened, rippling with regret and a depth of worry that clenched at my chest. He was rough around the edges, all brooding intensity and a determination that called to me, but at that moment, his tough exterior had cracked, allowing me to glimpse the fear he’d been living with. He was worried about his friends, about himself, about their future, and startlingly, about me.

“I’m sorry, Katerina,” he murmured, his voice barely audible. “We should have kept our distance. We shouldn’t have brought you into this.”

My heart ached, a hollow feeling stretching within the cavern of my chest. I swallowed hard, my eyes stinging with the promise of tears for their pain.

“Maybe I didn’t want any ofyouto keep your distance from me,” I confessed, the words barely more than a breath.

“You don’t know what you’re saying,” Mason countered, his tone firm, yet his dark eyes softened. At the same time, his fingers edged closer over the blanket, eventually finding mine, and a wave of warmth spread through me.

“I do, Mason. I really do,” I insisted, gripping his hand in return. A lump had formed in my throat, making it difficult to speak, but I needed to say it. I needed him to know. “What can I do to help?”

I met Bridge and Logan’s gazes, which mirrored Mason’s. They were just as stunned and confused about how this was going to work between us.

“Forget,” Mason said. “Forget this conversation. Forget us once we leave.”

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