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“Sure, a week or two won’t make a difference and I know you need to get used to the idea,” he says.

I’m so grateful for his reaction, I stand up to sit on his lap. He makes space for me by moving his chair back. I drape my arms around his neck and kiss him.

“I can’t wait to show you off to the whole world,” Jace says, looking at me as if I’m his most prized possession.

“Me too.” I push down the lump in my throat.

“You look sad,” Jace says, his expression creasing with worry. “Are you okay? This is a happy moment, sweetheart.”

“I know. I just never thought that I’d be lucky enough to meet my soul mate so soon.” I brush my lips against his.

“I’d given up,” Jace says with a chuckle. “But when you first walked into my office I knew something was different about you. I made the decision to hire you the moment you spoke.”

I laugh. “Really? Because that’s not how I remember it. Your eyes were on my legs.” I’ll never forget the hunger that was reflected in Jace’s eyes as he looked me over that day.

He laughs. “I was hoping you hadn’t noticed that.”

I kiss him again. I want this moment to never end.

Chapter 35: Olivia

It's a normal busy morning with back-to-back appointments, which ease up at eleven. I serve Jace a cup of coffee and get a kiss as a thank you.

"I'm going to miss this next week," Jace says.

"Don't kiss Sarah thinking that it's me," I tease but when I leave his office, I have tears in my eyes.

I sit at my desk and check my phone for messages. The cowardly side of me is hoping that Ivy will cancel our lunch meeting. There's nothing from her but a message from Chris comes in as I'm perusing my phone. I click on it with a smile on my face. He must be close to going on tour now if I remember my dates correctly.

Chris: Hey you. I'm downstairs in the hospital cafeteria. Rose makes an awesome cup of coffee.

I let out a cry. What? Chris is downstairs? I grin. He's an idiot. What could he possibly be doing here? I get up and go to Jace's office.

"I’m going to run downstairs to the cafe if you don't mind. Chris is here," I tell him.

Jace looks at me quizzically. "Oh. Were you supposed to meet?"

"No, it's a surprise," I tell him. "I won't be long." I blow him a kiss and head downstairs.

I see Chris's sandy hair as soon as I enter the cafe. He's seated in one corner nursing a mug of coffee. I go to the counter and get my own coffee before joining him. He stands up when he sees me and envelops me in a hug.

"Let me put my coffee down first," I say with a laugh. I set my coffee on the table and hug him back.

"I've missed my sidekick," Chris says, hugging me tight.

"I've missed you too." We sit down. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugs. "I found myself with a little time on my hands and as we're leaving the day after tomorrow, I thought I'd come and say goodbye."

Unexpected tears jump into my eyes. Chris has been a constant in life and even though he'll be a phone call away, it's not the same as having him near.

"Hey, are you crying?" he says. "Don't. We'll be talking all the time, you know that."

"I'm just being silly." A nervous laugh escapes my mouth. "It's been an emotional week and your leaving just added to it." I take a sip of coffee.

"This is your last week here, right?" Chris says.

Chris is special that way. He keeps dates and remembers everything I tell him.

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