Page 13 of Priest

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“Got an update from Demon, and she’s doing fine. She was worried about you. You should call her if you’re feeling up to it. It’ll put her mind at ease.”

“I’ll do that after I visit the bathroom and freshen up.”

“I’ll wait for you in the living room. If you need me, call out.” He plants a kiss on my cheek. “You scared the hell out of me today, precious. I got the word that you were in the car and took off like a bat out of hell.”

“I’m sorry you went through that. I never thought you’d come. I thought we were over.” I choke back a sob at the memory of crying myself to sleep several nights. I held out hope for the first day, but when he didn’t call, the sadness became unbearable. The day out with Bethany was a way to get out of my own head for a while.

“I was coming for you. Guard talked sense into me. Sometimes it’s hard for me to get out of my own way.”

He kisses me gently and guides me into the bathroom. I do my business and wash up while taking a look in the mirror. My hair is a mess, and despite the nap I just had, I still look like I haven’t slept in days. I brush out my hair and leave it loose. I change into a pair of deep-blue yoga pants and camisole, throwing a wide-sleeve sweater over it. I can’t seem to get rid of the chill in my body, so I put on a fuzzy pair of socks.

Priest’s sitting in my cuddle chair, leaning forward with his head in his hands, deep in thought. I walk to him and run my fingers through his hair.

“Are you okay?”

He sits me on his lap, snuggles me deep into his chest, and sighs. “I am now.” My tummy needs food, but this feels too good to move, so I ignore the grumbles of hunger pains. Priest doesn’t, though. He lifts me into his arms and carries me to the kitchen counter and sets me down on it. “Food’s on its way, but you need something now. Crackers and cheese?”

“Sounds good. I can get it.” I’m about to hop off, but his steady hand holds me in place.

“I got this.” He opens my cupboard and grabs a box of crackers, then sets it beside me. I nibble on it while he cuts up some cheese. I like him in my kitchen.

As a rule, I like my space. I’m a little anal when it comes to keeping things in order. I’ve learned that keeping things neat and tidy makes things go more smoothly. But the cutting board is left on the counter, the knife lying next to it. The cheese block still sits out with the box of crackers and a trail of crumbs along my counter, and I don’t give a damn.

I’m smiling because, Priest doesn’t know this, but the last time someone took care of me was before I left for college. Sure, I go home to my family on holidays and Mom prepares a big spread, but we all help out. Natalie, my sister, comes with her husband, Ron. They’re pregnant with their first child. We’re all so thrilled. Mom and Dad are having their first grandchild, so they’re fussing like all grandparents would.

Mom and Dad always wanted more kids but after I was born. Mom ran into health issues, and the doctors advised against it. Mom would have ignored them all, but there’s no way Dad was going to risk losing the love of his life.

Rebecca and Dell Middleton were typical parents to two very different daughters. Mom’s free-spirited and artsy, and my sister, Natalie, took after her, being creative and willing to try anything. My brother is his own man and is traveling Europe and loving the adventure. I’m more like my dad. Dad’s the anchor of the family. When Mom wanted to paint the outside of the house a bright yellow, it was Dad who talked her into Chantilly Lace. He called it that when it was really cream white. But he also knew that being the creative soul my mother is, she would fall in love with a color called Chantilly Lace.

Priest pops a piece of cheese in his mouth as the doorbell to the apartment rings. He helps me down from the counter, takes me by the hand, and heads to the door. The fellow called Ghost is front and center, with a super-pretty woman by his side.

“How you feelin’, Quinn?” Ghost asks.

“Much better, thanks.”

“This is my wife, Abigail.” Abigail does a little wave, and Ghost’s hand at her back urges her forward. “Gotta let me through, baby.” Ghost gentles his voice. Abigail turns pink. I can see that she’s shy.

I hold out my hand. “Come on in, Abigail. It’s nice to meet Ghost’s better half.” I giggle, and Abigail does too.

“Please call me Abby. You should be resting,” Abigail says as we settle on the couch. She glances at my wrist. “It looks painful.”

“It’s not that bad. Achy, but not horrible. It’s the dull headache that bothers me more,” I tell her, and just as I do, Priest stalks into the bedroom and comes back out with both the prescribed pain meds and the extrastrength Tylenol.

“Which do you want?” Priest asks.

“I should eat something first,” I say. I notice Ghost unpacking the bag of food at the small table.

“Guard should be here any minute. He and Ava had to drop off the kids at Orion and Vi’s. They’re bringing dessert from Hanna’s Bakery,” Ghost shares. Right on cue, Guard and Ava arrive.

Ava’s classically beautiful and definitely not shy in any way. She quickly comes over to hug me and introduces herself.

“This is my husband, Guard. He’s the president of Satan’s Pride MC,” Ava says.

“A pleasure, Quinn.” Guard takes my hand. “Sorry about the accident. How’re you feeling?”

“Much better.”

“She’s hungry,” Ghost calls from across the room. “All set over here.”
